Chapter 25

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*Readers pov*

I begin waking up, feeling some weight on my stomach. I open my eyes fully to see Max snuggled up and snoring lightly.

I put my head back, seeing us covered in blankets.

Mrs Mayfield must have done this.

She's just too cute to wake up.

Although, I don't need to do anything as she is starting to wake up too.

She looks up at me and blushes madly.

Max: Goodmorning, hothead.

You: Goodmorning, freckles.

I rest my head on the pillow.

Max: M-My mother must have put this blanket here.

You: Didn't want to disturb our sleep, huh?

Her head bounces up from laying on my stomach as I chcukle.

Max: I was serious about staying like this forever. Best sleep ever.

You: Once again. Who's stopping us?

She yawns.

I lift us both up as she drops to the ground.

I stretch.

She groans.

Max: I just can't believe the whole upside down stuff is happening...

You: What?

Max: The thing that killed Chrissy, it's from the upside down.

You: Oh.

She stands up and goes inside as I follow. Its a regular home for a trailer.

She goes over to the sink and pours herself a drink. I, from behind, put my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

I kiss her on the cheek.

She blushes madly as I pull out bodies close. Our bodies touching very tightly.

Ok, this is important. The reader and Max were overall doing 18+ things.

Vote on this if you want the written out lemon, or think its just not needed cuz idc.

Yh -

No -


The door flings open. It's Dustin. He looks at the scene and squeals, hiding his eyes with his hands.

Max immediately covers herself with the shirt before he can see anything as I fix my pants.

Max: D-Dustin?!



You: Fuck, man!

I put my shirt on as Max tidies herself up.

You: You can't just burst into peoples home!

I sigh.

You: Dustin, Look, I really missed you too but-

Dustin: Wait...You're supposed to be dead.

You: Not me. I-

Dustin: Wouldn't die a pussy. I know.

Max: Ok, now that the moment is ruined, both of you get out my home!

You: Babe-

Max: Don't 'babe' me!

I turn to Dustin, pissed. I push us outside. I whisper to him.

You: You fucking asshole, I would've had the best moment in my life if it weren't for you!

He whispers back.

Dustin: I'm sorry!

You: Now she's all cranky. Good job. Gold medal for you!

Dustin: I'm very sorry!

I grab him and talk in a normal voice now.

We could had such a good moment. Fuck!

You: What could be so important? Fuck, Dustin!

Dustin: Jeez, talking about cranky.  What happend to you?

You: Well, I just got out of prison and-

Dustin: Dated Max?! WOW!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!...Aren't you siblings?

What a fucking stupid question!

You: What a fucking stupid question! No!

We hear her from the inside.

Max: Not by anything! No!

Dustin: Ok! My bad!

You: What do you want?

Dustin:...It's really bad...Really, really bad.

I throw a water bottle at him. It hits his face as he's just standing there.

She comes out. Handing me my shirt as I put it on. I see she is dressed up now.

Max:...I think I know.

Dustin: Eddie.

You: The killer?

Dustin: He's not! He wouldn't! Ever! Something from the other side of this world killed her!

Max:...I had my suspicion.

Dustin: Something is back from the upside down's killing people. Eddie only was seen going in and out the home but he ran.

You: Ok?

Dustin: We have him in a little boat deck shack. He's there, afraid and we're trying to figure this out that-

Max: The Thing is back...

Dustin: Exactly. Apparently she died horribly.

Max: Her bones broken.

Dustin: Come along. Both of you. We need you.

You: Let's talk to him then.

We go outside. I go to hop onto my dirt bike but Dustin stops me.

Dustin: Oh, no, mi amigo.

You: What?

Dustin: Jonathan is here with his car.

You: Fine.

We carry on walking as I feel Max hold my hand.

You: Babe. Don't get upset.

Max:...I was waiting for that, you know.

You: We can always continue.

I see Steve hop out his car.

Steve: Really? We stopped for this- Wait, One?!

He runs over to me, hugging me tight. Making me drop my hands from Max.

Steve: Jeez, One! I thought you were gone forever!

I hug back.

You: We still have more ass to kick.

Steve: Like that tunnel. Remember?

We pull off, Max holds my hand again. He takes a long look at us.

Steve:...Oh, fuck off...

You: What?

Steve: When you two join up, it's the worst thing ever. Now you're dating? Congrats but get away from me.

Max kisses my cheek.

You: I'm driving.

Steve: Nu-uh. Never again. NEVER. AGAIN.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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