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It was currently around 10am and you had just finished getting ready, your shoot was at 12:30pm so you made sure to give yourself time to relax and get food beforehand.

You were dressed in something simple but stylish considering the fact that you would be getting undressed so you didn't want to wear something that would take you 20 minutes to get out of.

You were currently standing in the mirror attempting to take a photo for your story but all you could hear being blasted downstairs was my potna dem and you know for a fact it was Connie who put on the song.

You only managed to take around 5 photos and you hated them all so you decided to just take photos at the shoot instead. You grabbed your stuff from your bed and exited the room "oh hey (y/n)" Sasha greeted and threw her arm around you.

You smiled at the brunette and wrapped your arm around her waist "you know Eren's downstairs waiting for you right?" you paused in your tracks which made her also stop and look at you.

"for me? Are you sure?" you laughed and she nodded.

"he said you two have plans" you scratched your head and looked at her confused.

Plans? Since when did we decide to make plans together?

Sasha dropped her arm from around you and headed into the bathroom "oh and good luck with the shoot" she smiled while popping her head out of the bathroom.

"Thanks Sash" you said and made your way down the stairs.

As you appeared around the corner you saw that Jean and Connie were vlogging as Connie had his cameras out and Eren was sitting on the stool leaning on the counter controlling the music.

"So you were the one who put on my potnas dem" you walked past him and over to the fridge and his green eyes watched you.

"Connie requested it not me" he turned his body around on the stool and was now fully leaning on the counter, his body was facing you and you could tell that he was watching you.

"Soo about our plans? what exactly are they?" you questioned.

"So you think we have plans huh?" you shut the fridge after not being able to find anything which would satisfy you and you turned around to face the male.

"I'm just going off of what Sasha told me"

"Well I figured since we have a shoot together that I'd come pick you up" he picked up his drink and took a sip of it, you watched as his Adam's apple moved down in his throat.

"Unfortunately for you I've already called an Uber" you tapped your screen to see what time it was and it was around 10:40am.

"Cancel it"

"why would i-" before you could finish your sentence your eyes met with Mikasa's and she was listening to the conversation.

She tilted her head and gave you a 'remember what you said' look and you rolled your eyes at the raven haired girl.

"Fine but we're leaving in 15 because I want food" he wore a pleased smile on his face as he leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

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