Chapter 7: Battle of Takodana

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Han We then cut to Kylo's shuttle landing in the forest outside of Maz's castle, and out step Kylo, Phasma, Nines, Zeroes, and a platoon of regular white First Order stormtroopers, Kylo telling his troops "The scavenger girl is here... I can feel it". We cut to Maz telling our heroes to come downstairs, saying that they don't have much time. she takes them down to the relic room beneath the castle, our heroes in awe of all the different jedi artifacts on display all the while Maz explains that she fancies herself a collector of rare jedi artifacts discovering many during her travels and that this room is where she displays her collection. this is our opportunity for a couple neat easter eggs from various comics, novels, video games and TV shows in addition to the previous saga films: Mace Windu's lightsaber, the Dagger of Mortis from the Clone Wars cartoon series, the Lothal jedi temple key stone from the Rebels cartoon, a jedi signet ring, a Jedi Holocron, the Eyes of Laqasa, the Belt of Bodo Baas, the Herder's gauntlets, the Healing crystals of fire, and the mask of Darth Revan from the Knights of the Old Republic RPG games. Maz then pulls out a box, explaining to our heroes that she's been keeping one very special relic safe until the occasion where it is needed again. she then opens the box, revealing Anakin's lightsaber inside. Poe recognizes it as the lightsaber that Leia once wielded during her time training under Luke, asking Maz where she got it. Maz explains to Poe that Luke found the old Skywalker family lightsaber on Cloud City before passing it down to his sister Leia when Luke decided to train her in the ways of the jedi. however Leia gave up on her jedi training to pursue the career of a politician and raise a family, and Leia knowing Maz as a close friend of the family with an affinity for collecting jedi relics left the lightsaber with the pirate queen for safe keeping. Rey closes her eyes as she reaches out to the lightsaber and touches it, doing so causes her to have a force vision of the memories of the lightsaber's previous owners: Obi-wan and Anakin's duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan passing Anakin's lightsaber to Luke, Luke's duel with Vader on Cloud City, Luke training Leia in lightsaber combat (with a digitally de-aged Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher), a young red-haired woman holding her newborn daughter saying "Kira... I shall name her Kira" (both the mother and the father's faces are out of view to conceal their identities from the audience), Kylo Ren burning down Luke's Jedi temple while a hooded Luke watches in horror, placing his robotic hand on R2-D2. Rey then turns around to see herself standing face-to-face with Kylo and the Knights of Ren. Rey opens her eyes back up to find herself back in Maz's castle, asking what the heck was that while BB-8 looks at her with concern. Maz tells Rey that what she saw was a force vision, memories of those who once wielded that weapon. Maz then explains to Rey that the lightsaber once Belonged to Luke and his father before him, and now it calls to her. Rey however refuses to take the weapon, saying she's not touching that thing again. Maz can tell that something is deeply troubling Rey and understands her pain and frustration, knowing that she probably saw some pretty traumatic memories when she touched the saber. However the castle is suddenly bombarded by a squadron of TIE fighters who open fire on the castle prompting Maz to tell our heroes "we've got to get out of here now!", Finn grabbing Anakin's lightsaber as they make their escape. Our heroes try to evacuate the alien patrons as the castle starts collapsing, the Crimson Corsair and his motley crew of space pirates fighting on the front lines holding off the incoming wave of Stormtroopers while Maz's people are evacuated onto the corsair's ship the Meson Martinet, Maz using her force abilities to make giant roots erupt out of the ground and constrict several stormtroopers buying the Corsair's ship time to escape the planet. Kylo Ren marches his way toward the castle with Phasma, Zeroes, and Nines following from behind just as The TIE fighters rain fire down on our heroes who dodge the explosions while also trying to avoid getting shot by Stormtroopers, Chewie covering for our heroes as he mows down enemy stormtroopers with his bowcaster while Han covers Chewie from behind taking out a couple stormtroopers trying to get the jump on the unsuspecting wookie with his trusty blaster pistol while Rey knocks out a couple stormtroopers with her staff before switching to her blaster remembering the lessons Han taught her. Meanwhile BB-8 is cornered by a couple stormtroopers only for Poe to shoot them down, saying "get away from my droid" followed by BB-8 electrocuting a downed Stormtrooper causing him to scream in pain. We then cut to Finn getting confronted by Phasma along with Zeroes and Nines, Phasma telling him "long time no see, FN-2187. You're coming with us, back to the Supremacy for reconditioning where you will be molded back into a good little soldier". Finn aims his blaster rifle at Phasma followed by Nines and Zeroes both grabbing their melee weapons from their backs, Zeroes with his electrohammer and Nines with his pair of electrobatons. Finn tosses his blaster rifle on the ground and tells his brothers "Listen guys, we don't have to fight. Zeroes, Nines, come on! You don't have to listen to her... is this what Slip would have wanted?" followed by Nines telling Finn "you're not fit to speak his name you filthy traitor!" Phasma tells Finn "your words can't break their loyalty to the first order. I raised them, conditioned them to obey my every command without question", Phasma placing her hand on Zeroes's shoulder and whispering "good soldier's follow orders" into his earpiece, Zeroes repeating the phrase "good soldiers follow orders" as a sign of compliance. the two proceed to brutally beat Finn to a pulp, Finn refusing to fight back not wanting to hurt his brothers instead trying to reason with them, Finn trying to convince the two that they're being manipulated by the first order just like he was, however the two don't listen and keep smacking Finn around like a ragdoll. Poe then walks up to Zeroes and Nines, telling the two black-and-red-armored stormtroopers "leave him alone, it's me you want. I'm the one who killed your pal back on Ryloth, remember?". Poe tells Finn "you take Captain Chrome-dome, I'll handle these two". Finn then ignites Anakin's lightsaber followed by Phasma whipping out her javelin. the two then clash their weapons lightsaber-to-javelin while Poe picks up Finn's blaster rifle and whips out his blaster pistol to dual-wield against Zeroes and Nines who proceed to deflect the blaster bolts back at Poe with their melee weapons, forcing Poe to duck out of the way before we cut back to Finn's fight with Phasma as they lock weapons and stare at each other intensely, Finn telling Phasma "I'm never going back!" Followed by Phasma saying "We'll see about that!" only for Finn to get saved by Rey who fires at Phasma with her blaster forcing her to retreat before we cut to Zeroes brutally smacking Poe from behind with his electrohammer, Zeroes saying "this is for killing Slip!" Followed by Nines repeatedly jabbing at poe with his dual electrobatons while saying "he was our brother!" Only for Han to shoot Nines in the back saving Poe's skin while Chewie grabs Zeroes and kills him by breaking his back. Finn then rushes over to grieve over the lifeless bodies of Zeroes and Nines, taking off their helmets before saying "Zeroes, Nines, forgive me. I'm sorry I couldn't save you". Poe walks over to Finn and puts his hand over the ex-stormtrooper's shoulder, telling him "you've got a new family... us". However things go from bad to worse when Kylo Ren arrives on the scene, Rey shooting at Kylo with her blaster only for Kylo to deflect her blaster bolts before using the force to freeze Rey in his place, Kylo holding his lightsaber up to Rey's neck. Finn screams "REY!" while Poe, Han, and Chewie aim their blasters at Kylo who warns them "nobody come any closer, make a move and she dies!" Kylo looks at Rey in the eyes, telling her "So you're the scavenger girl from Jakku, glad we've finally met face-to-face". Rey asks Kylo "You know who I am?" followed by Kylo telling Rey "My Master the supreme leader told me about you. he prophesized an awakening in the force, I believe you are that awakening. I sense you are strong in the force, but have only begun to discover your abitites, a mere novice. your mind also contains vital information, the map to Skywalker. which is why you're coming with me, so you can lead me straight to him". Finn in a moment of self-sacrifice tells Kylo "Take me instead! I have what you want, I saw the map too! just let her go" Kylo drops Rey before force-freezing Finn causing him to drop Anakin's lightsaber which is picked up by Maz as Kylo force-pulls poor Finn towards him. Finn then looks at Rey in the eyes as she sheds a tear before Phasma appears from behind Kylo while a bunch of Stormtroopers appear from behind our heroes and hold Han, Poe, Rey, Chewie, and Maz at gunpoint, Phasma telling Finn "guess you're coming back to the first order after all. Don't worry, I'll make sure your reconditioning is extra painful". Finn then tells Rey "Rey, don't worry about me. Save yourself, I'm just a stormtrooper. And Poe, remember that top-secret superweapon being developed by the first order that I told you about? They call it Project Starkiller, I found out about it when I hacked into the First Order's computer systems and uploaded the data into BB-8's hard drive, so deliver your droid to the New Republic Navy for me so that they can stop it once and for all" followed by Kylo force-choking Finn telling him "silence". Han turns his head to Kylo and says and says "Kylo Ren, we finally meet at last. I still haven't forgot the night you killed my son". Kylo then tells Han "you seriously believe that story? or were you hoping what happened that night would have wiped away your greatest shame" followed by Han lowering his blaster saying "what the hell are you talking about?" Kylo tells Han "You, Luke, Leia, Connie, everyone thought I perished in the fire that burned down Master Skywalker's Jedi Temple. but they were wrong... I survived, hiding in the shadows where I trained in the ways of the dark side under the guidance of Snoke, learning more about my sith heritage which made me stronger than my former self, I hope you're proud of me... Father". Kylo takes off his helmet revealing himself to be none other than Ben Solo. Han is shocked, speechless at seeing his son alive while Chewie growls in confusion. Rey, Poe, and Maz gasp like they've seen a ghost. Kylo and Phasma both escape with the captured Finn, Phasma ordering the stormtroopers to execute the fugitives before the shuttle takes off while a helmetless Ben gives his father one last sorrowful look before putting his helmet back on.

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