Chapter 10: Last day of the Republic

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We then cut back to General Leia who enters her office, envoy Korr Sella greeting her at the door. Leia then contacts Supreme Chancellor Villecham of the New Republic through the TV screen in her office, Chancellor Villecham asking Leia "General Leia of the New Republic Navy, what is it that's so important you went out of your way to contact me? I thought I made it clear when I kicked you out of the senate all those years ago to stay out of politics". Leia then tells him "with all due respect Chancellor, this is an emergency on a galactic scale. The First Order is building a superweapon called the Starkiller, an orbital satellite equipped with Death Star technology. We believe they plan on using it to wipe out the New Republic homeworld of Hosnian Prime, we can't afford to waste our time squabbling amongst ourselves, we need to take serious action against the First Order!" Chancellor Villecham laughs at Leia, telling her "A mini-death star, Is this some kind of joke? Don't be ridiculous General. the First Order may be terrorists, but they are no empire. Let's think about this logically: where would an underground movement consisting of fanatics with limited resources get the necessary funding to build a weapon of that magnitude? Doesn't make any sense" Leia tries to inform Chancellor Villecham that the First Order has been hiding out all these years in an old abandoned rebel base on Dantooine where they spent their time building the Starkiller in secret, as for how they got the funding for the thing, Leia speculates that the First Order may have been secretly funneling money from the banking clan due to Supreme Leader Snoke being a member of the Muun species. however the Chancellor interrupts her saying " Silence, I don't wanna hear another word out of your mouth! I knew I shouldn't have trusted a child of Vader. Thank you for wasting my time General, you are on your own. Good day!" Chancellor Villecham hangs up on Leia who is frustrated that the senate still refuses to listen to reason because of how much they hate her for being the daughter of a sith lord. Leia asks Korr Sella to go to Hosnian Prime to warn the senate about the Starkiller on her behalf, telling her "If the Chanellor won't listen to me, then maybe he'll listen to you". Korr Sella assures Leia she'll try her best to get Chancellor Villecham to come to his senses before boarding a shuttle and leaving for Hosnian Prime. After that, we cut to General Hux ordering First Order personnel to launch the Starkiller into orbit at once. a random officer objects, saying "but sir, it hasn't even been tested yet..." Followed by General Hux shouting "that's a direct order from the Supreme Leader himself and he expects it to be followed without question!" The timid officer complies saying "yes sir" and activates the launch protocol for the Starkiller. Rey, Finn, Han, Connie, and Chewie all arrive at the launch bay where they find out they are too late as they witness the Starkiller rise out of the ocean. Meanwhile Maz and the Crimson Corsair's crew watching in horror from outside the base as the Starkiller slowly rises into the air before they along with all the pirates and New Republic troops are all rounded up by Captain Phasma and several First Order Stormtroopers to be brought to General Hux who tells his new captives "you and your friends are too late to stop the Starkiller, but rest assured it'll all be over soon". Black Squadron flies over Dantooine's ocean towards the Starkiller, Poe telling his squadmates that they gotta stop that thing from leaving the planet at all cost before ordering Black Squadron to fire on it all sides. The X-wings open fire on the Starkiller, but it's no use as the weapon is equipped with a deflector shield. Poe radios Finn and tells him and the others to find a way to turn off the Starkiller's deflector shield so that they can destroy that thing once and for all." Finn tells Poe "copy that" before grabbing the blaster of a fallen stormtrooper and blasting the door open followed by our heroes barging into the control room with weapons at the ready, Han pointing his blaster at the head of a random first order officer, demanding him to tell them the access code to the Starkiller's defense systems. The officer refuses, followed by Chewie getting up in the officer's face and roaring at him, Han telling the officer "better do what he says if you wanna keep both your arms" with the officer holding his hands up terrified at the sight of Chewbacca. meanwhile General Hux notices the X-wings attacking the Starkiller and orders a squadron of TIE fighters to stop them from breaching the shields before leaving to get up on a podium to prepare for his big speech. Things go from bad to worse when a squadron of TIE fighters fly in and blast three more X-wings out of the sky one by one, Temmin Wexley telling Poe that there's too many of them followed by Poe ordering the remaining members of Black Squadron to take evasive action. Our heroes are too late, as the Starkiller is successfully launched into space. We then cut to Korr Sella's shuttle landing in front of the senate building on Hosnian Prime. Korr Sella rushes into the building and tries to warn Chancellor Villecham that Leia was telling the truth, however she is too late as General Hux delivers a hateful speech that is broadcasted to all the allied worlds of the New Republic: "Today is the end of the Republic, the end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder. At this very moment in a system far from here the new republic lies to the galaxy! For the past 30 years They have fooled everyone into thinking they've returned peace and democracy to all free worlds after the empire's end, but that can't be further from the truth. The Republic is governed by a council of corrupt individuals who care more about their own self-interests than the good of the galaxy they claim to care about. The truth is, only by re-instating imperial rule can we bring true peace back to the galaxy! And with this machine, we will be able to do exactly that. Behold the Starkiller! reverse-engineered from old imperial Death Star technology, it is an orbital satellite equipped with a laser cannon capable of reducing entire cities to dust. With its power, we will bring an end to the senate, and their precious fleet! All remaining worlds will bow to the first order, and will remember this... As the last day of the Republic! FIRE!!!!" Citizens from all the allied worlds of the New Republic watch the broadcast from their screens as the menacing-looking satellite charges its cannon. We then cut to Poe noticing the TIE fighters retreating before noticing the Starkiller glowing a bright red meaning its charging up for an attack. Poe orders all remaining members of Black squadron to fall back, warning them to get as far away from the satellite's cannon as possible. The Starkiller then fires a powerful red energy beam from its cannon, the X-wings moving out of the way in time before chasing after the retreating TIE fighters blowing up several of them one by one with only a handful escaping Before we cut to Kylo Ren watching as the red beam streaks across the sky. The beam ends up hitting the New Republic Homeworld of Hosnian Prime, Chancellor Villecham and Korr Sella both watching in horror as the red beam causes buildings to crumble to dust killing several innocent civilians, the Chancellor saying "General Leia was right all along". Korr Sella tells Chancellor Villecham that they've got to evacuate the planet. Chancellor Villecham broadcasts a message to the people of Hosnian Prime for them to evacuate the planet before it is destroyed. Citizens start boarding the passenger ships to assure safe travel off the planet, the Chancellor telling Korr Sella to send Leia his regards before boarding one of the ships. However there aren't enough ships to transport everyone off the planet safely, so unfortunately there are some stragglers who had no choice but to be left behind to die, Korr Sella being one of them as before she can reach her shuttle in time she is caught in the red beam of death that transforms the entire planet from a bustling metropolis into a lifeless wasteland of ash and dust. Chancellor Villecham can only watch from the window of his ship among the other citizens lucky to have escaped as their home is destroyed, wishing he would have listened to Leia and not had been so petty. Leia senses the deaths of everyone on Hosnian Prime through the force, mourning Korr Sella's death. Maz feels it as well, the pirate queen closing her eyes before taking out all the Stormtroopers holding her and her fellow space pirates hostage by lifting up a bunch of nearby rocks and dropping them on the stormtroopers, one of them saying "oh no..." before getting crushed. Sidon Ithano thanks Maz for the save shaking her hand followed by the Space Pirates and republic troops fighting back against the stormtroopers while Captain Phasma boards a TIE fighter and escapes. Rey feels it as well as our heroes are busy interrogating the first order officer, Han asking Rey what's wrong. Rey tells Han she felt a cold shiver down her spine, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. The Officer laughs and tells our heroes they are too late, saying that Hosnian Prime has fallen. Chewie then grabs the officer's neck and pins him to the wall, the officer fearing for his life telling our heroes that the access code to Starkiller's defense systems is "Supremacy", the name of the First Order's flagship Dreadnought. Connie asks her dad what they should do with him, Han telling her "how about we throw him in the trash compactor?" Followed by Chewie tossing the poor officer into the trash compactor. Finn puts his skills as a hacker to good use and types the access code into the computer disabling the Starkiller's shields, Poe exclaiming "they did it! this is our chance!" followed by BB-8 beeping in excitement as Black Squadron fly towards the Starkiller while it is still recharging seizing the perfect opportunity to destroy that thing once and for all.

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