chapter 3

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Picture at the top is her outfit for school. :)

Songs for the chapter:
Adore- Amy Shark
Take Me Out- Franz Ferdinand
The Archer- Taylor Swift

It was 6:30 in the morning I should not be up this early.

Today was the first day of school and I wasn't dreading it but I definitely am not excited about it.

After feeding Luna which I decided was her name simple, but very cute. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. As i've gotten older I care less what I look like on the first day of school, it's not like they won't see me in sweats eventually. So I just brushed out my hair and left it kind of wavy and then did light makeup just like mascara and stuff not important.

While I was brushing my teeth Zayn came in looking like he had just woken up as well, brushing his teeth alongside me.

"Good morning Sage!" He said with way to much enthusiasm for how early it was.

"I don't talk till i've been awake for at least a half an hour, so say that in a half an hour." I said walking out of the bathroom wanting to just crawl right back into my bed.

Luna didn't even get up to eat her food she was still laying in bed snuggled in the covers.

"Rude." I scoffed at her.

I put on my outfit and shoes and grabbed my bag walking downstairs to get breakfast.

Zayn was downstairs dressed and ready making his breakfast.

"Can I say good morning to you now?"He said grinning.

"I guess so." I sighed walking over to the fridge.

"Well then, good morning Sage! How'd you sleep?" He asked like he'd been waiting to talk for hours.

"Good morning, I slept fine, how about you?" I asked while pulling out the toaster to make my toast.

"Good, are you just gonna follow me to school?" He asked.

"Um what? I thought we were going together. There's no point in us taking two cars." I stated with confusion, why would we take two cars that doesn't make sense.

"Well me and the boys have little gig at the diner after school so I thought you would just want to go straight home."

"Who said I didn't want to come? I like seeing you guys play, so let's just take my car then we can go over there together. Saves gas and is better for the environment." I said jumping after my toast popped out of the toaster, making Zayn chuckle.

"Okay will you be ready to leave in like 10 minutes school starts at 7:45." He asked putting his shoes on.

I glanced over at the clock on the stove seeing it was 7:20. "Why don't we just leave now i'll eat in the car, and then we can meet up with everyone in the parking lot a little early?" I asked wanting to get there earlier because I was actually kind of excited now.

"Sure." Zayn said finishing tying up his shoelace.

So I grabbed my stuff and my keys hanging by the door, and we left.

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