Chapter 87

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Daddy.!!!! I yelled out to my father walking down the hall. "Daddy.!" I yelled again.

In my office! He called back. I walked down the long hallway to my dads office and sat in the chair across from him. "What's up princess.?" He asked looking away from his paper work.

I need a daddy daughter day.! I said shyly. Whenever I was said my dad could sense it growing up. He would just take me out and we would do so many things to cheer me up. We called it daddy daughter days. My daddy was my super hero and even now that I'm grown he still is and can't nobody cheer me up like him.

What's wrong baby?

Nothing....I just miss you!

I miss you too. Let me finish this. Give me about 10 minutes go get ready and we can sneak out of here.

Okay.! I smiled jumping up out my seat. I ran around the table to hug my dad than quickly left his office. I ran to my room and looked for something to wear. I put on some light wash bleach jeans, a white silk LV metallic printed long sleeve shirt that tied across my stomach and my white Alexander McQueens with the metallic back. I grabbed my white and metallic birkin bag. I fixed my make up a bit and left my hair curly and wild.

My phone rang and it was my dad telling me he was in the car. I ran downstairs and through the front of the house so nobody wouldn't see me. I met my dad in the garage and we was taking his Lamborghini today.! I was excited I loved this car.
He closed the door for me and got in on his side. One thing about it, my dad was a true gentleman and he always showed us how a lady should be treated and never showed us nothing less.

The garage doors opened and he zoomed out as the gates to our front gate open. "Where you wanna go princess?!"

Honestly dad, any where simple.!

Okay I know a place.!

After a while of driving my dad pulled up to this lake. They had an ice cream parlor and a shack where you can buy stuff. And even a bored walk down to the light houses. It was so beautiful here. I followed him to the ice cream parlor.

Hi can I have 1 princess bubblegum! I looked at my dad an amazement he still knew what kinda ice cream I liked. "And can I get a maple walnut on a cone" he added taking some money out his pocket. The cashier girl was stairing at him and blushing. "Keep the change.!" He said handing her a 100 dollar bill. I don't know if it was just cause I was there but he wasn't paying that lady no mind.

Here you go handsome.! She smiled giving him the ice cream and her number on the receipt.

He slid it back and smiled and said "I'm married!" She looked so shocked and surprised.

Thank you daddy.! I smiled loud enough so she knew he had a whole family.

Your welcome baby girl! Come on! I followed him out the parlor. And we started walking down the bored walk.

Daddy can I ask you something and don't take offense to this.! I asked as we sat at the table that looked over the water as the sun was beginning to set.

Of course, anything princess!

That lady back there practically through herself at you....even thought I was right there why you didn't take her number still?

Well.! (He looked down and back up shyly smiling)

What.?! I asked with giggles.

When I was like 12-13 I had this big ass crush on this girl. I came from a very dark place and I didn't know how to show love, and emotion so it put me in the friend zone. I became her best friend. I got to learn and love new things about her that I never knew before. Her energy was so pure and gentle and it radiated from her soul and I knew I had to protect her with all my life.....I was so deep in love with her when I finally got the chance I messed up bad. I always knew I would marry her and I was gone have to do any and everything in this world. I prayed day in and day out, I manifested, and begged god to mold me and change me into the man she needed me to be and he did.! Than you came and it was so sudden and fast! I knew right than and there I've not only met my bestfriend or my wife but my soul mate.! We share a soul tie that's so deep it'll make you uncomfortable because of how scary and deep the connection is between us. I don't ever wanna get the chance to lose that feeling again. That number wasn't worth that feeling ever again.

You and mom really love each other.

It's deeper than love.... I still beg god everyday that he keeps giving me everything I need to be the perfect man for her....

Mom is lucky to have you.!

Naw baby, I'm lucky to have her....she's rare and no one can ever in this lifetime or the next replace her.

I was thinking about me and Legend.....I love him but what if we moved to fast with things....I saw him talking to the new girl yesterday and the way they looked at each other made me think about stuff......I rather be his friend than to lose out on his true love.

I remember when your mother did that to me! He said with a laugh. "Look Legend will not take that lightly. He will and I mean he will fight for you.! He looks at you like how I look at your mother. He loves you and don't do anything your going to regret. Never hand your man over to the next female because of insecurities. That'll kill the relationship faster than anything.!"

But how am I suppose to know that he's for me? How do I know that he's my soul mate?

You go through things and you figure out the right from wrong! And you keep pushing, you pray and work together despite of all your odds that's against y'all.!

Ima think about it.! Thanks dad.!

Anytime. Now let's get you home before dinner and your mom kills us both.

No seriously!

When we got home I went upstairs to my room to take my stuff off and put on more relaxing clothes for dinner. I grabbed my phone from the bed and sat at my desk. I went to my messages and typed in Legends name. I was thinking a lot about what my dad just said and he was right.


"Hey, I think we should take a break!"

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