Chapter 104

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They got the baby to breathe Mr. Jackson! The nurse said coming into the room. I ran out and behind her. The other nurse was holding a crying baby boy. She brought him close to the window and he was screaming to the top of his lungs. My son! He was so precious and looked just like his mama. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was in distress from the car accident so his heart rate was failing. When they got him out he was blue in the face and wasn't breathing. I thought I lost the both of them.

Mr Jackson! Dr Curtis said with eas coming out the operating room.

What's going on Doc?!

She's stable for now. The impact of the car accident literally killed her..! Her heart is weak and she'll need a new one in order to survive!

How long is it gonna take?

I don't know....we just don't have hearts laying around here....she would have to be put on a transplant list and that can take any where from months to years!

What no! Take mine!

It doesn't work like that... we would have to run test you guys have to be the same blood type.

I have O positive blood I can give to her she's A positive!

I understand sir but we still would have to run some test.

Okay well let's get to running them!

Nurse will you take Mr. Jackson blood.

Yes.....Mr. Jackson right this way please. She said as she held a curtain open for me. I sat down on the bed and she took some gloves out. "I admire what your doing for your wife so much....she's lucky to have you!"

No I'm lucky to have her.! She started to take my blood. She filled four capsules up and placed a band aid over my arm.

Mr Jackson these will need to be sent down to the lab for testing. Yours and your wife's.

I'm guessing the lab isn't on this floor is it.


Get this ready to be sent to the label with its labels and I'll be back in here in a second. I walked out the room and two the front where everybody was. I pulled out a bunch of money from my pocket and fave it to Dre. "Go clear the vending machines out grab all the sandwiches and food and drinks they have so we can get these people some food!" I went over to the desk and grabbed the phone.

Are you ready to talk? Captain Ferguson asked as he picked up the other line.

I'll make you a deal!

And what's that Jackson? We just want to help.

Than shut the fuck up and listen..... there will be some blood that needs to go out for testing. It'll be at the east door to the main hospital. Once I get the paper work back than I'll release some hostages.

How do I know your not fuckin around with me Jackson.

Y'all got 5 minutes to pick it up, your time starts now! I said before hanging up.

Follow me! I said walking past the room where the nurse was. She came out with the bag and followed me. I took the clip out the hun and put an empty one in there. I unlocked the door  and pushed it opened a bit. Swat was running down the hall. I put the gun to shorty head and she sat the bag by the door.

A nurse from the other side picked the bag up. I made shorty close and lock the doors back. "Ight you can join the others go eat!" I walked to the recovery room where Mag was. Desk was sitting next to her giving her water.

Martavion?? She questioned with such a raspy voice.

Hi mama! I smiled leaning down to my wife.

I didn't think I was gonna make it.

I told you I'll always be here to protect you!

I know I love you baby....where's the baby? Is....

He's fine!

Oh my god! Tears rolled down her face.

He had a moment of struggle but he is fine he's being cared for by the nurses....

When can I see him?

Soon baby I promise. I need you to get some rest though okay.

I will after I see my baby...did you take pictures?

No I umm I didn't get a chance to! Magic I have to talk to you about something.

What? Is he okay? Is my baby okay Martavion?

Mag he's's about you! You need a new heart.....yours is failing due to the heavy impact of the crash. Your barley surviving right now....(tears started to roll down both of our faces) I'll give the world for you to be okay....which is why I'm gonna give you my heart.!

What? No! Martavion no! No baby No!

Mag it's done please stop crying! Look I've done some very very hard things these past few hours. And this is something that needs to be done. As your husband I'm telling you, you don't have a choice.

I can't live without you!

My heart will beat through you I'll always be with you!

No Martavion No baby please no!

I busted out in tears holding the gun to my head. "When I pull this trigger they will have no choice but to do the transplant!"


Magic there's no God where I'm going and I'd give my life for you baby. You deserve to live, you deserve to see another day not me! Magic I got these people held hostage, I kidnapped the driver that hit you, I got the entire hospital shut down! This shit is all over the news and all! You've proven your love and loyalty over and over and over again every single day. It's my turn to return the favor. This isn't goodbye Mag but a until we meet again.

My son won't get to know his other babies need there father don't do this to them again.

That's why your going to teach him all that you could because your amazing!

Martavion don't do this to me. I leaned in and kissed her forehead than her lips. I grabbed the sedation needle and pressed it lightly into her arm as we kissed. I rubbed her hair back as her eyes got heavy.

I love you forever Martavion! Her words slurred between my kisses.

I love you to baby, I love you forever I promise! Remember that, it'll always be me and you no matter what! I love you Magic Jackson! Her eyes finally closed and I fell to the ground crying holding the gun to my head!

Mr Jackson the paper work is back and your a match! The nurse said coming to the door. I got up and went to the front door and did exactly like I said I was. The people who wasn't sick and don't need the doctor I let them go! I chained and locked the doors back up.

Dre let's go! We went into the room and I took my shirt and watch off. "Make sure they do what they are suppose to! If not kill everybody in here.! Do you understand me!?"

Yes Boss! I wanna let you know that it was a true honor working along side you. Thank you for taking me in and giving me a way to feed my family. Thank you for all the love you gave I never had that male figure in my life before thank you.

You got 10 million when you leave here. Get everybody name and number that was here to night and give them a million dollars.

The nurses stood at the door crying. I loaded the gun and cocked back. I put the gun in my mouth and the phone started ringing. I was about to pull the trigger and let it go. Memories from the day I met Magic filled my head and my tears came down.

If you can hear me brother I love you! Malachi's voice roared over the load speaker! "

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