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"Thanks again Sean!" Hailey said, smiling at me as she left the club room. I hang the acoustic guitar onto the wall where it was before responding "It's not a problem Hailey! Be safe on your way home!"

Not that it'd be any better at home, staying here late is honestly fun anyways

Ah, right! I should probably introduce myself, hm?

I'm Sean, Sean Everett. I'm a proud member of the music club as well as the oldest! I normally dabble around beats and stuff in the club, and if you can't tell, I always stay behind to clean the club room

Since its after club practice, I'm alone again. But, its not a problem, I honestly like it this way. I have quite a simple lifestyle, go to class, go practice in the music club, and...

Well nevermind that!

In fact, I'm never really alone

I have quite a strange connection with a strange person, rather, I'm not sure I should even be referring to them as a 'person'

I grab the broom off from the wall and silently walked over to my school bag, where I grab the lighter at the bottom of it. Fortunately, no one has been checking otherwise this would have been confiscated by now

It's not that I have any ill intent with it anyway, the only bad thing that had happened when I took this was when my dad blamed my mom for taking his lighter when in fact I did take it

...sorry about that mom, at least that stopped him from smoking for a bit.

I quickly light it and silently blew the flame, a slightly strong gust of wind could be felt accumulating from behind me. The room gets darker and I feel myself smile

There she is


I quickly turn to face the ominous looking girl floating infront of me, with what seemed like bat wings, strange demonic looking markings on her, and horns, one of them seemed to be broken off.

"Give me names... and I shall- oh what the fuck?" Her ominous aura slowly dissappeared as I pointed the broom handle towards her direction, I smile "Dammit Sean! I told you to stop calling me for this!!"

I chuckle a bit and responded "Keep it down, you don't know if anyone is around the corner" The girl sighed in defeat and grabs the broom off my hands "Damn you, Sean..."

This is Millicent, or she would rather be called Milly.

Shes a demon

And she's also my bestfriend.


[This takes place before the whole Jake joining the music club bit, this was a story change from my original comic of this so I hope this doesn't spark any confusion! Anyways, hope you enjoy this fic nonetheless!]

!ON HOLD! My Demon Bestfriend [The Music Freaks Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now