Part 4

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Chapter 15: Party Planning

Two weeks into the new year, Sarah was back in Roisin's bed. But this time, they were arguing.

"That is not a thing!"

"Yes it is, Sarah, and it will be fun."

"A lingerie party?" Sarah was incredulous.

Ro and Sarah were sitting on the bed discussing her twenty-first birthday plans. Ro wanted to throw a party for Sarah in her apartment, which her roommate was fine with as long as she could choose the jello shots. The theme she was suggesting was what began the argument.

"You realize it's January, right?"

"We'll just turn the heat up in the apartment."

"Why not a pajama party?"

Ro whined, "Because it's your twenty-first! It should be sexy."

"Pajamas can be sexy," Sarah grumbled.

"Saraaaaah. Please? I wasn't even going to tell you, but you need to find some cute things to wear," Ro was kneeling on the bed quite literally begging with her hands out in front of her.

"Why? My underwear isn't sexy enough?" she scoffed.

"That's not what I meant. You need cute lingerie! Like, fishnets or something." Ro's eyes glazed a bit, like she was picturing it.

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Where would I even go to buy fishnets?"

"Ugh, I'm putting Kate in charge of you. I have too much to do."

"Kate? Why?"

"She's a fashion minor or something. Plus she's got cute underwear. She'll help you find something." Ro pulled her phone back out and started another list.

"I don't even want to know how you know her underwear is cute," Sarah ran a hand over her eyes.

"Dressing rooms, darlin'. Don't be jealous." She blew a kiss at Sarah.

Sarah flopped backwards onto the bed, arms over her face. "Fine! I give up, you win. Lingerie it is."

"Yay!" Ro didn't even have the decency to pretend to care about Sarah's pouting. She just crawled up over her and sank kisses into her neck.

"Mmm, now I'm picturing it again." Ro wagged her tongue around her lips. "But for real, we're doing this Saturday night. I know you don't turn twenty one until Monday, but no one will come to a Monday party."

"That would be fine with me," Sarah mumbled.

"It's going to be fun, Sar! Trust me."

So that's how Sarah ended up in a sex shop with Kate on Wednesday night looking through racks of skimpy undergarments. Kate was all business as she searched for the right thing. Sarah didn't know what that might be, but she enjoyed laughing at the more ridiculous things she found.

"At what point in trying to get this thing on do you think most people throw it away?" Sarah held up a black strappy leotard with more buckles and loops than a straight jacket.

Kate laughed, "I'd give it twenty seconds. Here, what do you think of this?" She held up a green baby doll dress with hot pink flowers embroidered on it.

"No. No, uh, dress thingies?"

"Got it, how about this then?" She turned to another rack and pulled out a black, lacy piece Sarah wasn't sure went on top or bottom. She made a face. "Okay, moving on."

Kate was totally calm walking around a sex shop with her, like she'd been here a dozen times. Maybe she had. She was just one of those people who appeared completely comfortable in any situation.

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