Part 5

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Chapter 20: Family Time

"Sarah, did you look up a place with batting cages for tomorrow?" Ro asked through a mouthful of bread.

The Daly family and Sarah sat at the large dining table in the formal dining room as the sun began to set outside. Ro's mother and father sat at each end with all the children piled in the middle. Sarah thought it was oddly traditional compared with her family's dining habits of eating while standing around the kitchen island.

She swallowed her own bread before answering, "Yeah, there's a family fun center not too far away that has some. Not great, but better than nothing." Sarah knew the equipment at these places had to be bad, but the reviews online were fairly positive and she needed to get at least three sessions in over the week.

"Batting cages?" Ro's brother, Shay, looked up from his plate, "Why are you going to some batting cages?" Shay was the oldest Daly and the shortest. He worked for a local animal rescue and did odd jobs on the side. He also still delighted in torturing his younger siblings, even if they were all practically adults.

Ro let out an exasperated huff, "Sarah's on the softball team. She's got to practice this week."

The look that the three brothers exchanged over the table was positively evil. Sarah braced herself.

Killian was the first to speak, "Oh, so you're a softball player, Sarah?" His eyes glimmered dangerously as he tried to contain his glee, "How interesting!"

Shay smiled, "Yes, very! A softball player, hmm? What position do you play?"

Sarah saw Ro bristle, but answered smoothly, "Shortstop."

Connor, the youngest and most outspoken, leaned back in his chair, side-eyeing Sarah as she took a long pull from her water. "Hm...that's an important position. You must be quick on your feet," he paused for dramatic effect, "and good with your hands."

"Connor! Dad!" Ro shouted for her father to intervene.

"Roisin, don't shout at the table," her mother snipped. Either she didn't see the wicked looks the boys had exchanged or she didn't care to address them now. Sarah thought it was the latter. Mrs. Daly was too observant, especially about her children.

"Be nice, boys," Mr. Daly chided quietly.

"It's okay, Mr. Daly," Sarah suddenly felt her competitive side flair, "I am good with my hands. I'm a great hitter." She flashed her own challenging smile, directed mainly at Connor, "We should all go try some batting tomorrow. Unless you're afraid of being shown up by a girl?"

"You're on!" Connor and Shay cried.

Killian just murmured as he lifted his glass, "A fucking softball player," he chuckled, "what a cliché."

"Language!" Mrs. Daly's warning effectively ended the dinner conversation.

_ _

"I'm sorry about them," Ro sighed as she and Sarah lounged on the couch after dinner had been cleared.

"It's okay, really. I don't have siblings, but I've got a healthy relationship with my cousins, they are pretty much like that too. They, um, made a comment or two when I told them you were a dancer."

Ro smiled and leaned onto Sarah's shoulder. Connor and Killian had gone up to one of their rooms to play video games, Shay had gone home, and Mr. and Mrs. Daly were out watering the start of a garden in the backyard. She and Ro were alone for the moment and Ro's casual contact was more than welcomed by her girlfriend. Sarah gently began running her fingers over Ro's exposed thigh.

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