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"Where are we even going?" Max tried to stare out the window, but his cone obstructed his view and he could barely peak over the door.

"Uh I dunno, hopefully a beach! I love the water!" Duke said.

The car turned off the main highway and into a more rural area with more trees and almost no houses.

Max was nervous but also excited. "Oh boy I hope it's somewhere where there's other dogs!"

"I wonder how long we'll be staying?" Duke asked.

"Wherever it is, this cone isn't gonna make it any better.." Max sighed.

"Aw cheer up, I'm sure you'll get used to it. In the meantime, you look totally cool dude." Duke smiled.

"Thanks Duke." Max smiled back weakly.

The trip was a long and bumpy one. After awhile, Duke fell asleep, and now just Max was up. He wondered why this cone was even necessary. He tried to forget about it, but it was impossible to even lay down and sleep.

Max did eventually find a position to sleep in. "Finally!" He sighed with relief, closing his eyes. "Time for some shuteye."

The car stopped.

Katie, their amazing owner poked her head behind her seat. "Guys we're here!!"

Duke immediately woke up and caused a huge mess. Meanwhile Katie carried her kid out of the car. The kid could could walk, but she was asleep.

Max carefully walked out of the car, ears down in agitation.

Max's annoyance was stopped by the odd place they had decided to take a vacation to. "Woah. It's definitely.. Definitely not what I uh- what I expected-?" Max continued to look around. Sheep, cows and other farm animals were everywhere. It was chaotic. This wasn't their usual vacation spot.

It did have a bit of a rustic charm, Max had to admit. Chipping paint, green grass, the smell of summer filling the air, and the area as a whole holding a warm, cozy atmosphere.

That all stopped though when Max met the chickens. Chickens ran in-front of Max so close that he swear his soul jumped out of his body a few times. He began to get panicked.

Duke was close by, far more excited about the whole "get away" than Max was. "Dude look at all these animals! You think someone takes care of them? Where will we be sleeping? Where's the owner? Are we gonna stay here awhile? Can I play with the chickens?!"

Max attempted to scratch his head but couldn't. "Duke, no. Don't "play" with the chickens. And uh I don't know about any of those other questions.. All of these animals seem so wild.."

"What? No way! They are just as collected as us I bet."

Then a huge turkey stepped in-front of the two.

"Woah." Duke said.

"Duke. Duke. Duke! what is that?!" Max inched closer to Duke.

"A umm. A Chicken?"

The turkey then ran straight towards Max while clucking.


The turkey chased Max, right on his tail.

Max was about to meet a dead end by some fences, when suddenly a loud low bark filled the air.

The turkey stopped not even a second after, and Max stopped too but he didn't know why.

Every other animal on the farm stopped as well.

"Uh-" Max looked where he heard the bark, and he saw a dog.

Goodbye (Rooster x Max)Where stories live. Discover now