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1:00 PM

Max seriously couldn't believe that Duke had the nerve to keep making such untrue remarks. "I mean, where is he even coming up with these conclusions? It's ridiculous!" Max said to himself.

Max walked over to his little spot under the porch. He nudged himself through in between the fencing. He sat down and closed his eyes. He let out a sigh of relief, feeling somewhat accomplished.

His eyes felt heavy, but he couldn't sleep. His mind couldn't let go of the thoughts of a certain someone..

"I wonder what he's doing right now?"

"I Wish I could see him again, that'd be cool."

"Would he mind if I dropped on by?"

"No, of course he wouldn't."

"No, no, don't bother him."

Max couldn't stop talking to himself. "I wonder what other jobs he does on the farm. He's so great."

"Imagine how fit you have to be to be the only dog working on the farm.. I could never. Man, what I'd do to drop by real quick." Max's tail began wagging.

"I just wanna see him is all." Max reassured himself.

"I mean he wouldn't mind a short drop by, right?"

Max poked his head out from under the porch. He looked around, as if he was doing something mischievous. Max squeezed out of the porch. He had a spring in his step as he looked for Rooster.

Max almost gasped as he saw the farm again. It was almost as if he had a new set of eyes to appreciate the farm.

The clouds had seemed to disperse a little, and now the sun peeked out every now and then in certain areas. The farm grass was a beautiful shade of green. Each blade of grass blew in the wind, making it look like a a place that he could only dream about. The grass had yellow and red flowers sprinkled in.

Everything was blowing in the breeze simultaneously. "Woah.."

Max walked through the grass, appreciating every step. The grass felt warm and welcoming.

Max walked to the top of the hill where the car was located. He couldn't wait to see Rooster. His heart was racing, and he didn't know why.

He took a deep breath, prepped himself a little, and jumped on the floor of the car. He slowly peaked up, anticipating to see the larger dog.

But he wasn't there.


Max got down from the car and felt ridiculous. He felt ashamed, even. "What was I thinking?! What would I of even said if he was there?"

Max turned and walked away, head low. "Max, you're such an idiot. Don't ever try to visit Rooster again!"

But Max cut himself off. He saw Rooster talking to Duke by the forest.

Max walked over quickly and quietly. He hid behind a hay stack. His ears perked up as he listened closely.

Duke was speaking energetically as usual. "Oh, yeah yeah yeah. The kid is really awesome. Her and Max are like, TOTALLY close."

"And how are you two?" Rooster asked.

"We're great too, but not nearly as close as her and Max. You know, you should really meet the kid."

"I don't like kids."

"What! Why? Kids are like, so energetic and awesome! They're friendly and always so easy to bond with!"

Goodbye (Rooster x Max)Where stories live. Discover now