Chapter 20

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Percy's P.o.V.

I was dying.

I couldn't breath, my throat was constricted. I was making weird hyena/dolphin noises, and I was sprawled on the forest floor.


You see, I was dying of laughter. 

After Leo slapped Jason across the face with a flaming hand, Jason had screamed like a goat and ran off, his hair flaming. A few moments later, we heard a splash as he jumped into the canoe lake head first. 

Leo, then proceeded to pat himself congradulatorily on his back, but unfortunatly had forgotten that his hand was still on fire, and had gone up in flames.

And then, the icing on the cake. Blindly, Leo had ran straight into Annabeth, whose long blond hair has cought on fire. She ran screaming after her boyfriend, and we heard a second splash. 

Leo had run out of flammamble material by then, and the fire burned out, leaving him stark naked. In a panic, he had dove head first into a bush, which was inhabbited by a not-so-friendly racoon. This racoon, soon chased him out of the bush and off into the trees, were we heard a third splash, as Leo dove into the lake as well.

And then I died. 








"Leo. This is why we don't slap people, when we are highly flammable son's of Haepheastus." Piper lectured. The three of us were in the big house. Leo was fully clothed again, and furiously rubbing jis head with a towel. "Never the less, I am greatful for you defending my honor." She finished.

"No prob, Pipes, I'd do it again. Did you see the look on his face? PRICELESS!" Leo leaped up from his seat, discarding his towel, and running out of the big house, leaving Piper and I alone together.

And since we were Gods, we could stay young forever. 

"...scream it at the top of your lungs." I suddenly realized Piper had been talking.



"Say..., what did you say?" I asked, mentally slapping myself in the head.

Piper rolled her eyes. "I said, thank you for what you and Leo did for me. It was really cool. Though, I didn't remember Jason being such an a**hole. I know, you and the rest of the seven tried to warn me after the war, I mean you would practically scream it at the top of  your lungs."

"Yeah, we did." I smiled regressing...

It was a bright sunny day. The birds were singing, the bees were buzzing, the monsters in the woods were growling. Jason Grace was glaring at the little demigod, who had just walked in front of him. 

"Watch where you're going, you little sh*t." He snapped, pushing the boy away. 

I frowned. Jason was acting more like JaSH*T right now. Piper, the nieve little daugher of Aphrodite, wasn't aware of this side of JaSLUT.

I should warn her, I thought. Scream it at the top of my lungs, if I had to.


..."Those were the good old days."

Piper smiled. "You know, I guess I just didn't want to see that side of him, and that's why I didn't. I was in denial." 

"Seeing the good in people isn't a bad thing." I replied, scooching my chair a little bit closer to hers.

Scooch Scooch

"It is if that's all you see." she muttered, looking down.

Scooch Scooch

"I really like that about you. It's amazing."

Scooch Scooch

"You are suprisingly good at cheering people up, Kelp Brain Jackson."

Scooch Scooch

"Maybe just you, Miss Olympus McLean."

Scooch Scoooooooooooooooooooch

"Maybe." Her warm breath fanned over my lips and her glowing kalidescope eyes stared deep into mine.

And I leaned in...

We're Gods Now; We Don't Need the Blondes ---- (Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now