More than words

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A/N: Hey guys. This my first one shot.  I'm sorry for potential grammatical mistakes. But english is not my first language. I choose to call it "More than words" (no need to explain why).  Hope you like it.

I do not own The mentalist or the characters. Because, do i really look like Bruno Heller.

XXX Teresa's pov (mostly Teresa) XXX

Jane and Lisbon sat on Lisbon's couch at the CBI. They had just closed a case that took months. Jane had noticed how much it had irratated Lisbon. She lost her confidence. He knew she was a good cop. She just had to be reminded of it.

"Okay Jane, your turn. Truth or dare"? Jane wanted to loosen Lisbon a little up. He hated seeing her that way. He could tell she havent slept for days. Him either. But it bothered her more. So he suggested they played a little game called truth or dare. To top it all off, they had unfortunately been drinking. So the game got a little funnier.

"Truth" .

"Hmm..okay. I got a question. Have you ever been really in love with someone. Except for for Angela of course" she asked curious.

"Yes. In fact i have"

"Who is it?" lisbon asked exited.

"That's two questions my sweet Lisbon" he said and chuckled. He could see Lisbon trying to be mad. But with a failed attempt.

"Lisbon your turn".

"Definitely, thruth" Lisbon chuckled. Jane's face lightned up.

"Have you ever been in love with me" he said challengeing. Lisbon's cheeks turned a slight more red. She avoided his eyes. She was afraid. Afraid to tell him what she had been feeling the last few months. She had noticed how close they had become. 

"Yes". Short answer. Hoped she sounded like she didn't care and it wasen't a big deal.

He had hoped Lisbon felt this way. But he didn't know if she still had. Or if she was ready to be more than friends. In the last time he had felt so close to Lisbon. So much he could just kiss her. Right here and right now. But he knew he would set Lisbon out of her comfort zone.

He looked in her eyes. A smile appeared on his face when he saw lisbon blushing.

"Truth or dare Jane". She said, while trying to hide her blushing cheeks. God, how could he so easily make her blush!

"I will go with truth".

Before she thought about it, the words just came out.

"Who were you in love with?".

Somewhere deep inside her. Somewhere she knew. But she also knew that if he really said it. Well, then walls would simply breake down. Those walls she had been building up in a young age. They had never failed. Had never broke down. Maybe a few scratches a long the way. But she had managed not to let anybody shatter them. She honestly didn't know how she would react if he said it. Said her name. Probably sleep with her gun under the pillow. That's for sure.

"You, Lisbon. It have always been you. You have always been my princess. My angry little princess". He let out a sigh. All these times he had wanted to tell her.

And then, boom. Walls broke down, inside Lisbon. She could literally feel them breake down. Those words. Any other woman would probably melt. But Lisbon just sat there. Speechless. But after all. There were this tiny little unfamiliar thing. A thing she haden't experienced before. It felt good. It kinda lightened up her body. Small sparkles appeared inside her. She coulden't and wouldent let them go of them. Still had no idea what it was.

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