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Cindy roared in anger, charging at Tommy, shoving him against the wall, and shoving the shovel under his head, she kept pushing and pushing.

"Fucking die! Why... won't you fucking die!" She screamed

She was pushing until Tommy's entire head came off. Both Ziggy and I screamed. Cindy threw down the shovel and ran to Alice.

"No! Alice? Alice? Alice, just.... just stay with me. Alice." Cindy cried, crouching over Alice

Alice let out one final shaky breath, it was obvious to anyone watching that she was trying to stay, for Cindy.

"No... Alice... Alice?" Cindy sobbed over the now dead girls body

I heard faint singing coming from the back room, and glanced over to Ziggy.

"What the hell is that?" Ziggy questioned

Cindy hesitantly stood up, and walked back to the kitchen. The singing got louder as we were walking towards the vent, and when we got there two hands crawled out from the vent, bones snapping as she crawled out.

"Run! Run!" I yelled at them, I pushed Cindy and Ziggy out in front of me running out to of the Mess Hall with them, the singing getting quieter the farther we ran.

We ran all of the way to the hanging tree.

"Dig! Dig!" Cindy yelled

Ziggy, Cindy, and I began digging as fast as we could.

"Cindy!" Ziggy yelled, looking at the child approaching us, hitting a bat on the grass

Cindy glanced up "Just keep digging!" But he kept coming closer

I saw the girl singing emerge from the woods, along with a man with a knife.

"They want me..." I mumbled

"What?!" Cindy and Ziggy exclaimed at the same time

"I saw her, she wants more of my blood" I told them

"No, no" Cindy began, knowing what I was hinting towards

"Please, this is the only way..." I replied, tears falling down my face

I stood up away from them and walked towards the middle of the field, slitting the palm of my hand open. The killers all momentarily rerouted their paths to follow me, but then stopping in their tracks for a second, then went back to circling around Cindy, Ziggy, and I. It didn't work.

"Fuck!" I cried

I ran as quickly as I could back to Cindy and Ziggy.

"It didn't work" I cried

"We must have some of your blood on us" Cindy suggested, I looked back down to her hand were I wiped some of my blood on her hand

"Guys I hit something!" Ziggy exclaimed

We all looked down as Cindy pulled a rock out of the whole

"The witch lives forever" Cindy read the rock

"What does that mean? Cindy?! Where is the body?!" Ziggy asked

"I don't know!" Cindy cried

"This is all my fault"

"No, no" Cindy said "Come on, this way" She stood us up and pulled us towards an empty patch, but no more than a moment later Tommy came running our from the woods.

"What do you want Sarah Fier?! Do you want this?!" She held up the hand "You can have it! Just let my sisters live! Just let my sisters live!" She cried

"Cindy..." I cried, tears stinging the cuts on my face

"Get ready to run" She told us running towards Tommy with the shovel

She got one good hit on Tommy before Tommy hit her with the axe sending her to the ground. I let out a sob as Tommy hit her with the axe, only to be stabbed in the stomach by Ruby Lane, I glanced to my right to see Ziggy, getting stabbed in the stomach by the man with the knife, I recognized him now as the Milkman.

We all fell to the ground, I stretched out my arms towards them.

"Nothing... Will... Separate... Us..." Cindy said, gurgling out blood

"Ever... Again..." Ziggy and I replied at the same time

I watched Cindy stop breathing, and turned to look at Ziggy.

"I...love...you" I choked on the blood

It began to get harder and harder to keep my eyes open as Ruby just kept stabbing. My breaths became more shallow as it got harder and harder to breathe. More of my blood fell onto my cheeks as I coughed it up. I took a shallow breath and closed my eyes. I could hear Ziggy from next to me. But I was at peace knowing that I would die surrounded by the people I love.

"No, Cecilia! Hang on!" She choked through her own blood

As I took a final breath I saw the same flashes of Sarah Fier, and then there was nothing. Nothing but the three Berman corpses below the hanging tree. Nothing but three sisters who loved, and died together.

Meet me in the woods- young nick goodeWhere stories live. Discover now