Chapter 6 : The End of Jurassic World

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Warning, this is a graphic chapter, enjoy!

Narrator Point of View :

We see Alexander walking around the island being bored because nothing was happening around the island, but he was brought out of his thoughts hearing a few vehicles passing close by him and he used Long-Distance Teleportation and hide near the top of the trees seeing a few InGen Jeeps with capture weapons and Alexander raised an eyebrow before he jumped to tree after tree following the InGen Jeeps,

After a few minutes the InGen Jeeps stopped and people stepped out, walking toward something cautiously but Alexander could tell that something was camouflaging itself, and he could tell where it was and he could see through it's camouflage, thank...

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After a few minutes the InGen Jeeps stopped and people stepped out, walking toward something cautiously but Alexander could tell that something was camouflaging itself, and he could tell where it was and he could see through it's camouflage, thanks to the help of Six Eyes, it looked similar to Indy and his I-Rex form, and he was confused but he continued watching as the people slowly got closer to it but before any of them, except Alexander could react, the mysterious I-Rex showed itself and just started killing, it immediately grabbed the leader and killed him instantly, you could hear his bones being crushed before the I-Rex tossed him away and the leader smacked into a tree and you could hear his spine just snap before he fell to the ground, dead in an instant, everything was quiet before the I-Rex moved towards the others and they started shooting at it but it had little to no effect as the I-Rex was crushing them, killing them left and right, as they all screamed as they were being killed only to be silenced a second later, Alexander could tell that what was happening here was being watched and if he were to help them, he would risk revealing himself either in human form or in his I-Rex form, after they were all dead the I-Rex started running away but now that he knew no one was watching, he teleported to it and kicked it in the maw, sending it through a few trees before it landed on a rock as it roared in pain, Alexander wondered how he would kill it but he could hear a helicopter flying towards their current location fast, probably to try a aerial attack on this new I-Rex, and while he was distracted to I-Rex struggled to get back up and it stared at Alexander who was floating it mid-air,

( Just imagine the surroundings is the dense forest of Isla Nublar )

As the helicopter was closing in on their position, Alexander decided it would be best if he left and kept himself out of their sight, he didn't want to reveal himself just yet, so he used Stealth and teleported far above the helicopter then deact...

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As the helicopter was closing in on their position, Alexander decided it would be best if he left and kept himself out of their sight, he didn't want to reveal himself just yet, so he used Stealth and teleported far above the helicopter then deactivated Stealth, watching as the I-Rex began running again as the helicopter was shooting at it and thanks to Six Eyes again, he was able to see clearly how well they were doing, he pinched his nose as he sighed, annoyed that he couldn't finish that I-Rex off faster, had he not been angry that those people were massacred, he wanted to make that I-Rex suffer, but he shook his head as he teleported back to the remains of the team that attempted to capture this new I-Rex, he dug graves and buried the remains and the dog tags they had on them on top of their respective graves, as he sat down, closed his eyes and started praying, hoping that they found peace in their final moments,

As the helicopter was closing in on their position, Alexander decided it would be best if he left and kept himself out of their sight, he didn't want to reveal himself just yet, so he used Stealth and teleported far above the helicopter then deact...

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Alexander then stood up and teleported to Henry Wu's secret lab as he stood there with his arms crossed, even though his expression was blank, you could tell he was extremely angry and a few seconds later the secret door opened and Henry Wu walked in, after the door closed he looked over and saw Alexander standing still before he turned to him and with just one look he could tell Alexander was angry about something,

"Tell me, what was that mystery Indominus Rex?" Alexander asked as Henry Wu's expression showed surprise before he answered,

"That one was a failure," He said as Alexander walked over to him,

"If you make any other dinosaur, you are to notify me immediately, if not," Alexander started before placing his hand on Henry Wu's shoulder, "I cannot guarantee your safety," He finished as Henry Wu was hiding his fear, but it was clear to Alexander he was overwhelmed by fear,

A few days later...

Alexander was watching as the island was going to hell because InGen failed to capture or kill the new I-Rex, the day after he had a talk with Henry, he was notified that the Indoraptor that Henry promised him was ready for Alexander to obtain but it was on the mainland and in a house he had bought to live at after the events of Jurassic World, he had also copied every document and file Henry Wu had and put it on a hard drive, because he was planning to remake Jurassic World after this all was over, so he was flying in the air then he saw the helicopter holding Henry Wu fly away from the island,

A few minutes later...

Alexander watched as the I-Rex was beating both Indy and Rexy at the same time, but after Blue came and helped they started beating it, but it threw Blue away and slammed Indy into a building, he then  teleported to I-Rex and kicked it in the maw, as everyone, even the dinosaurs were surprised as they were seeing Alexander floating in the air as he glared at the I-Rex who was struggling to stand back up, as it stood up it looked and seemed to back away in fear as if it had seen Alexander before,

"I'll enjoy making you suffer," Alexander said but the humans were wondering what he just said but the dinosaurs could tell easily what he said, as he was speaking dinosaur and Indy remembered how the voice of her mate sounded and it was the exact same as this humans voice, but before the I-Rex could retort Alexander was in front of it before he kicked it in the chin sending it flying before they heard the loud sound of it crashing into the ground and it roaring in pain,

"I'd recommend you guys start trying to find a way off this island," Alexander said as Michael asked something,

"What about the Velociraptor, T-Rex and Indominus Rex?" He asked as Alexander turned to him and then looked at the dinosaurs,

"I'll be taking them with me, I'll take care of them," Alexander said as he then spoke to the dinosaurs, "Be ready, I'll be taking you away from this island to my home in a forest, away from other humans," He finished as he turned as the I-Rex had returned and attempted to grab Alexander in his jaw but Alexander teleported out of it's reach before he started laughing then he teleported to it's tail and grabbed it and started flying up before stopped above the clouds before he threw the I-Rex back down to the ground, enjoying the sound of it roaring in pain before it crashed into Isla Nublar, dying on impact, Alexander then teleported to each the three dinosaurs and teleported them to his home, as they settled in quickly and they enjoyed each others company getting more intimate, it was strange when they learned that Alexander could also morph into a Indominus Rex with black scales, but due to the power of plot, they got over it quickly and Alexander was waiting for the events of Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom to begin...

To be continued...

I know it may seem a bit rushed but I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see ya'll later!

The Shapeshifter ( Jurassic World x Shapeshifter Gamer Male )Where stories live. Discover now