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Name: Skylet

Full Name: Skylet ???

Nick Name: unknown

Name in Japanese: スカイレット

Age: unknown

Height: 5'9

Weight: Skinny

Gender: female

Sex: straight

Breed: demon

States: single

Crush: unknown

Hair Colour: Silver

Eyes Colour: Blue

Glasses: none

Necklaces: none

Rings: ???

Person: Slightly Evil, Smart, Cute

Likes: Stuff toys, baggy clothes

Dislikes: unknown

Hair Styles: long, straight

Hair Extras: none

Wears: long white and black socks

Born: unknown

Pets: Two evil bunnies called Devil, Evil

School: doesn't go to school

Family: none

Family names: ???

Parents: unknown

Parents Names: none

Children: unknown

Children Names: none

Skin Colour: white and pale

Birth Country: unknown

Country in now: Japan

Year born in: 1800's to 3000's

Past or Future: Past

Country working in: ???

Job: none

Income: no

Killed: no

House: Flat

Demon/Angel Age: ???

Demon/Angel Eyes: Red

Wolf Tails: none

Wolf Tails Tip: none

Wolf Fur: none

Wolf eyes: none

Hooves: no

Horns: no

Blind: no

Deaf: no

Robot: none

Powers: time travel

Role: ???

Master/Teacher: Mr. Unknown 氏名不明

Claws: no

Wings: none

Skills: none

Weapons: ???

Allergy: none

Favourite Colour: Dark blue

Favourite Movie: The time traveller

Colour Blinds: light green

[The backstories are to help you guys to make a story of these characters.. I would love to read some of your views on these characters! ^-^]

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