Quincy Ice

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Name: Quincy

Full Name: Quincy Ice

Nick Name: Sword Dancer

Name in Japanese: クインシーアイス

Age: 18 years old

Height: 5'5 tall

Weight: Average

Gender: Female

Sex: Straight

Breed: Human

Status: Single

Crush: Has a boyfriend but it's a secret

Boyfriend name: Sakio

Hair Colour: Light purple

Eyes Colour: Red Hazel

Glasses: No glasses

Necklaces: No necklace

Rings: No rings

Person: Cute, Dangerous, Protective

Likes: Swords, Dancing happily, her boyfriend

Dislikes: Sweet cakes, dark chocolate, fighting crazy people

Hair Styles: Straight hair

Hair Extras: no extra

Wears: gloves and boots

Born: Kingdom of Joy

Pets: Guard dog

School: No school

Family: Father and two older brothers

Family names: Louis and Kay

Parents: Father

Parents Names: King Arthur

Children: No children

Children Names: no names

Skin Colour: white and pale white skin

Birth Country: Kingdom of Joy

Country in now: Kingdom of Joy

Year born in: 1968

Past or Future: Different planet and different time

Country working in: not working anywhere

Job: no jobs

Income: no income at all

Killed: haven't killed anyone

House: Palace

Blind: No

Deaf: no

Robot: no

Powers: no

Role: Princess

Master/Teacher: Royal Tutor is Duke of Irish

Skills: Dancing with a sword

Weapons: sword and Katanas

Favourite Colour: Pink

Colour Blinds: Blue

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