Mysterious Voice And Knight

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Kid can't catch a break now can't she? Well it's Ingrid and Class VII what do you expect?.

S.1204 . Month 4 . Day 7 Wednesday

Ingrid woke up blinking before looking around in confusion "Oh.. fell asleep on them." she mumbled to herself "That's right sweetie get ready for the day." Sara said earning a grumble out of the girl "I hate Thors... " She groaned getting off the bed she hated it indeed before she used to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted without any restrictions, now there is curfew hours meaning she can't wander around at night like she used to.

And a lot more freedom was taken from her even though it wasn't that long she had it with them "Am not going." She grunted refusing to get up from the bed "You can't skip your classes dear give it more time and you might like it." Sara said pulling the girl off the bed.

"For how long? I know everything they're teaching what's the point?." She looked at the woman confused "Making friends is something new to you and the academy can't teach that to you." She gave a simple explanation to thee girl who frowned at that.

"And what use are friends if you're powerful? Won't they just butt into your personal life and follow you around slowing you down?. Only Fie and Laura are powerful everyone else is weak." She pointed out the power gape between them.

"It's not about power having friends is all about trust..." The girl groaned throwing her arms up in defeat "Fine I'll get ready no more trust nonsense please!." She whined leaving the room "There we go again... she's starting to get rebellious.... at this rate I won't be able to control her any longer." The woman frowned while she did open up at first but at the same time she started getting rebellious.


"Ingrid off to your club?." Rean asked her "So? What of it?." Fie snarled getting in between the two her weapons in hand alarming the entire class "Fie!." Emma called out but the small girl didn't relent glaring at Rean he backed off "Do not talk to her ever again." She warned glaring hard at the boy.

"Whoa! Calm down Fie he just wanted to talk!." Elliot quickly said getting in between the two pushing Rean back, the older boy didn't resist letting his friend push him away from the two girls "I don't care! I don't want him anywhere near her next time it's not gonna end well!." She hissed before pulling her little sister figure out of the classroom.

"That was something...." Elliot remarked rubbing the back of his neck the sixteen years old and Gaius looked at each other in the eyes before turning to Rean "Are you alright Rean?." Gaius's question snapped the other boy out of his thoughts "Yeah am fine!. I don't understand what just happened." He frowned rubbing the back of his neck.

"Understand what?! Quit bothering the kids! Next time you bother them am reporting you to the principal can't you tell that she's distressed by your mere presence?!" Alisa snarled glaring at him "Calm down there is no need to be violent they used to play together when they were little." Gaius told the girl Elliot made him speak oh how he knew Ingrid and he ended up spilling the beans to them.

"Well a kid that young didn't know better. Bet with a bit more experience in life she could tell when there is something off with people I know one of the people she acquainted herself with she's going for the trustworthy people that will help, accept help and keep secrets she's smart and knows what she's doing so don't tell me it's just a mere misunderstanding!." Alisa spoke up eyes narrowed at Gaius who remained quiet after that.

"...." the Nordian boy could say nothing to counter Alisa because she was right the only person she tensed around was Rean it's as if she's expecting him to attack her at any point, this becomes more apparent when Laura, Fie and their homeroom instructor leave her alone lately Sara doesn't leave unless Ingrid walks out first or join her.

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