First Day And Orientation Exercise

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S.1204 . Month 3 . Day 31 WEDNESDAY 

Today is a beautiful sunny day marking the beginning of a new school year for a lot of students for the chagrin of a certain Silver haired girl sitting on a bench while cleaning the blade of her sword making sure that it's always combat ready for any sudden attacks behind slept another silver haired girl whom she grew to consider an older sister the sibling she never had most people actually mistake them for sisters not like the two minded they were technically sisters being raised by the same woman although Fie was taken in later they never had any problem bonding up due to how similar they both are both are detached from the world around them yet they get totally serious in combat always working in tandem ending most of their opponents before they know what hit them or even blink to begin this a perfect harmony, she unlike her though attempted to dodge joining a school not wanting to do anything beside sleeping and training besides she was too young for this yet the principal accepted her at least her mother was their homeroom instructor but she was not sure about the "proper education and break the ice" part more likely the break the ice she wasn't that excited on meeting others no good comes from them well at least she got her custom made uniform with no skirt or the annoying ribbons it resembled the males uniform but had golden pauldrons with red trims and other pieces of armor for protection in the same colors of the shoulder armor pieces made from light weight materials to afford as much mobility as possible. 

She looked back at the still sleeping girl before warping her weapon deciding that it's finaaly time to wake her up and head to school, gently shaking the girl to rouse her from her slumber making her crack an eye open "What's wrong Ingrid?" she sleepily mumbled "School..." she blinked a bit before remembering that the two of them was dragged to the whole military school thing and today is supposed to be their first day of school "Oh right that...." she got up stretching her limbs like a cat then followed the younger girl to the massive building up ahead of them in silence both enjoyed it that way quiet and tranquil, some people gave them looks seeing how Ingrid was dwarfed by the case that contained her weapons she ignored them though not seeing anything weird with that it's just a big case compared to her size that was all she wasn't murdering anyone "I hope it's not annoying" she grumbled not wanting to be in a place full of people she'd rather keep her distance from them if possible, "Me too" the other girl mumbled maybe if she was lucky then they'll let her hide behind away from sights behind her mother figure if not then speaking of which Ingrid always wondered why they add skirts to the female uniforms? it was nothing more than a hindrance in combat are they supposed to hold the skirt down or fight the enemy? she mistakenly hit something with the case housing her weapons inside due it's large size compared to her tiny form it obscured most of her view with the way she was carrying it.

It was a tall blue haired girl wearing a red uniform save it was the irritating female version she hated she couldn't help but wonder whose stupid idea is that adding a skirt to a female's uniform for a military academy was a good idea? like were they supposed to focus on the fight or the skirt that could cause serious injuries in a death and life situation "Sorry....." she apologized in a small voice adjusting her hold on the case to better see things around her getting the girl's attention "Ah... it's alright no harm done... are you attending to Thors Military Academy by any chance?" she asked noticing the girl's different attire and the girl beside her wearing the school's uniform while lowering herself to the girl's level "Yeah" she answered the girl in her usual monotonous voice her face expression blank "aren't you too young to attend though?" the older female gently asked her "14" she said making the blue head frown at her response "Isn't it dangerous for kids your age?" the girl tilted her head in confusion not understanding why the girl was worried about her "Mom is our homeroom teacher, We are basically homeless for awhile courtesy of Osborne and his hatred towards Bracers but it doesn't matter his on the to kill list" she monotonously declared the last part shocking her "Idiot not in public" Fie swatted the back of her head "No one will take it seriously..." she scampered behind the 17 years old to avoid being hit again by her older sister figure "Now now no need to fight name is Laura S. Arseid how about walking to school together?" she suggested patting Ingrid's head "Ok... Ingrid Valestien" she mumbled enjoying the headpats she's getting from Laura.

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