1. wait wtf just happened

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Recap: She gasped covering her mouth "Oh god" she said into her hand. Her voice sounded muffled do to her hand over her mouth. I looked in the murderers eyes. Tears of fear brimmed my brown orange eyes. I slowly uncovered my mouth my lips quivering. I was slightly gasping for air. Jazz grasped my hand and started running, pulling me through the crowd. I started running with her.
We got out the bar in a rush, running into the rode. The three people from the club behind us. A car was speeding towards Me. I froze in shock. I screamed a little covering my head going on my knees. Jazz put both hands in frount of her. Her eyes turned a dark purple, black rimming the iris. Blue, purple and pink electric lights came out her palms and finger tips them she threw her hand back then forward causing the light coming out of her hand to turned just black and purple causing the car to flip in the air backwards. Cars surrounded us. I uncovered my head and got up slowly. She put her hands down. I ran to her as her eyes went back to blue. Luke came running to us. Are you guys okay?! He asked. Yeah were fine. Jazz replied. But not for long. She added. I stood watching people getting out of their car. One getting to close for comfort. My eyes turned orange and my fangs came out. I hissed at the guy. He grabbed me putting a knife to my. neck. My pupils became small and I let out a small meow. I felt so vulnerable. Jazz growled wolfing out her eyes turning bright yellow her fangs came out so did her claws. Lukes eyes and teeth did the same thing he roared a wolf roar. Hands of my sister! Luke growled. We'll kill her if you don't give us Jazz. The man said. Luke's pupils got big and he let out a whine. Anouther guy grabbed michael. Michael's eyes were a bright purple. We'll murderer foxy here to. Michaels fox growled then whined when luke dragged Jazz over there to the man holding me. I tiger roared at luke struggling. They let me go and through me to the floor causing a whine to escape my lips. Luke looked at me. Go get them girl. He thought to me. Okay, ill need help. I mind talked back to him. He nodded his head. He brushed his finger on the side of his noes giving the signal. We ran towards the men. I stuck my claws In his throat while luke grabbed Jazz and i grabbed michael. Luke crushed the guys skull. I they layed dead on the floor. The three people from the club started killing the people with us. I heard a coconut sound behind me. I turned to see Derek standing over a guy. You missed one. Derek said looking in my eyes with his red ones. I smirked. His lips twitched upwards a bit. I wanted to kiss him right then and there but i didn't. Who are you guys? I asked the three people. I'm jace this is Alec and Isabelle. A guy with an British accent gestured to a girl and a boy next to him. Were shadow hunters, we kill demons and the man you saw in there was a demon. The blonde explained. That isn't the craziest we've heard before, ohh like one time there was this slut who looked like crack head Barbie said- Jazz! I interrupted her story trying not to laugh. Oh right..um i'm jazz this is luke michael Ashton calum and my bff blaze that's..ugh derek and we are creatures that's people with powers -obviously I interrupted again with an eye roll. Yo assroll can you stop interrupting me. Jazz smiled at me. Aight fuck tard. I replied with a smirk. Wait what the fuck just happened. Michael asked. We had a huge battle and now we change the subject. Yeah Jazz, your ass is over there talking about crack head Barbie and shit, the fuq? I said in a ghetto tone. Derek snickered. But you know what we should have said to her. What? Jazz asked. Heres a snickeres your such a. Slut when your thirsty. I started laughing so did she. She gave me a high five. Are they all ways like that? Jace asked Derek. You mean bitches to each other and really weird? Then yes. Yes they are. Derek replied. *Alec and Isabelle snicker* what? Jace asked. Assrole. Alec laughed so did Isabelle. Oh my- stop. Jace said smirking with amusement in his voice.

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