1 - It's Right Before My Eyes

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Thomas had fucked up.

But it was different than the times he had fucked up before.

Like the time he forgot Teresa's birthday, panicked, and proceeded to gift her the exact same mug that she previously gave him on his birthday.

Painfully awkward. But nothing that would end a friendship. By now, his friends were already used to him constantly forgetting things, breaking stuff by accident and just being an overall clumsy, yet lovely dork.

But this was very, very different. Thomas was screwed. Like might-loose-your-best-friend-over-this-screwed. And he realized that just a few seconds after opening his eyes, his naked body covered by sheets way softer than his own and the light in the room being so much more welcoming than the few miserly sunbeams his tiny window usually let through.

Then, there was also the conspicuous fact that there was someone lying next to him. Someone who he really shouldn't be waking up next to. Like, the last person that he should be with under these circumstances.

The shock must have been written all over him, because the warm smile on the other person's face suddenly turned into a gentle laugh, voice still rough from his sleep.

"Mornin' Tommy. Not the usual reaction I receive after a night like this."


The whole misery started about three weeks prior, on something most people would consider a normal Friday night. Thomas planned to spend a cosy evening at home after a rather stressful week at university. And he surely would have had a great time re-watching his favourite episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the 7th time, if it wasn't for his best friend storming into his room, face plastered with a mischievous grin.

"You. Me. Arcade. Now."

It's not that Thomas really had a choice, with Minho standing there all dressed up and a look on his face that didn't leave any room for further discussion. It was always like that. Thomas hated that his best friend, who happened to also be his long-term roommate, just decided on what to do, while he had to follow along. Sure, he could have just said no. But somehow, he always ended up enjoying the nights out, even if he didn't want to admit it. Especially not in front of Minho, who was now already on his way to drag the brunet out of his bed.

"Don't you have any other friends to annoy?" Thomas swung his legs over the edge of the bed, just in case. Case being that Minho would literally drag him out of his room, which he only did one time before. It's not something Thomas likes to remember. It involved him being thrown over the stronger boy's shoulder though and that, for some reason, really offended his honour.

"I sure do and they're also gonna be there. So dress up, buttercup. Don't want your ugly face to ruin my beautiful aura." And with that, Minho was already gone again.

Thomas let out an annoyed groan, making sure that his best friend could still hear it from outside of his room. With a loud yawn he stood up, scratching the back of his head and letting his gaze wander over the floor on the search for something to wear.

Thomas was, to say the least, not the tidiest person. If something wasn't dirty enough for the washing machine but still not clean enough for the wardrobe, it landed on the floor. He used to put them on the back of his chair, which lead to several almost-heart-attacks in the middle of the night. After the third time he woke up jolting back in fear upon thinking there was someone breaking into his room, Thomas decided the floor was just fine for his clothes. The fact that to break into his room, one had to climb up an unremarkable amount of five floors, didn't really matter to him.

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