3- Let Me Occupy Your Mind (As You Do Mine)

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„Oi Thomas! Quit daydreaming about your mysterious lover and get off your lousy ass, we have to get out!"

Minho kicked him in the ankle, making his best friend jolt up from his slouching position and look at him with wide eyes.

"Huh? Shit, sorry." Before Minho could mock him even more, Thomas jumped up from his bus seat quickly, fiddling on the rim of his dark green beanie, pulling it deeper into his face in a miserable attempt to hide his embarrassment.

Minho rolled his eyes with an annoyed grunt, grabbing Thomas by the sleeve of his jacket and pulling him to the already closing bus doors quickly. He shoved his foot between the doors, making them open up again last second.

Thomas didn't even realize what was going on until he felt droplets of rain hit his pink cheeks while the bus was driving away with a loud roar of its motor.

"Jesus, you'd be fucking lost without me," Minho complained while struggling to open his umbrella. He let out a triumphant 'Ha!' when it finally gave in.

It was crooked and couldn't possibly cover both of them from the rain, but it was all they could find in the hurry of getting out of their apartment in time to get the bus. Minho had owned that ugly thing for ages, once given to him by some sketchy ad agency. Their logo on the top was barely visible anymore, washed away by numerous rainfalls and thunderstorms.

Thomas stepped beside his best friend quickly, linking arms with him and snuggling as close as he could so he would stay as dry as possible. Not that it made much of a difference, since the rain was accompanied by a strong wind anyway, making the water hit the boys in a 45 degrees angle.

And just like that, they began to make their way through the ongoing storm. Huddled together like this, the umbrella almost losing the fight against the merciless wind, they almost looked like a caricature.

Against all odds, the boys and their old trusty umbrella made it to the arcade in one piece. Thomas and Minho were drenched up to the middle of their tights, shaking in their shoes from the cold.

"We should really get a car, man." Minho hung his coat onto the rack, holding out his hand for Thomas to give him his jacket without looking at him.


"I mean if we saved up some more money we could actually get a pre-owned one. And we would split the costs for gas between us anyway, I think we could actually manage that."


"Are you even listening to me?" Minho shot his friend an annoyed look over his shoulder, still waiting for him to hand him the jacket.

But said jacket was still hanging over Thomas' shoulders, who was currently craning his neck to get a better look inside the actual arcade through the glass door of the foyer.

Minho knew exactly what, or who, Thomas was looking for. Because despite his best friend being able to get his mind of the stranger for most of last weekend, his obsession seemed to have been growing with every day since last Monday.

It was now Friday and Minho was done with Thomas' shit.

He turned around, flicking a finger at his best friend's forehead. Thomas jolted back a bit, once again looking at Minho with these wide deer eyes of his.

"If you want to see if Mister Lover Boy is inside you gotta get rid of that jacket first, for fuck's sake."

Thomas finally snapped out of it, shaking his jacket off hastily and basically throwing it over Minho's arm. "Thanks, love you!"

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