🌹 The Crimson Tyrant - III 🌹

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Third Person's PoV

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Third Person's PoV

They stepped into the Magic Mirror, heading to Heartslabyul. They were greeted with the sight of a beautiful castle surrounded by rose bushes.

"Whoa! This is super fancy! It's completely different from our dorm!"

Grim exclaimed in awe, his words made y/n want to redecorate Ramshackle Dorm, and she will, with Cordelia.

"Our dorm is still in development."

Y/N said bitterly to the furball.

The four of them walked into some sort of a rose maze rather than a garden. As they walked a bit further, they heard a voice in a hurry.

"Oh no! I gotta hurry and paint these roses red!!"

Said a ginger-haired male, he has a red diamond-shaped tattoo... or make-up... under his right eyes.

"Oh, someone's over there."

Grim said, pointing out the complete obvious. The group walked up to the ginger-head.

"Whoa there~ If there are some left unpainted, it's off with my head," the male said.

Y/N had a strong sense of déjà vu and recalled the weird dream she had. She's in a similar situation in her dream.

'Is this what they called déjà vu?'

Y/N muttered to herself. As the group walked closer, the ginger-head man noticed them.

"Hm? Do you guys need something?" he asked. And Ace, being himself, asked back to him.

"What're you doin'?"

Apparently, Ace has gone blind by now.

"This? As you can see, I'm painting the roses red." the man replied, gesturing to the roses. Deuce seemed a bit surprised by this.

"Eh!? Why do such a thing?"

He shouted slightly. The man chuckled at his reaction.

"Hm~ Your reactions are so fresh it's kinda cute~!"

He took a good look at the boys' and widened his eyes slightly.

"Now that I look at you closely, you guys are the freshies who totally wrecked the 10mil chandelier and caused a ruckus on the first day of school."

Y/N turned to the duo with an unknown expression, a hint of confusion was present in her eyes. Seeing this, Ace sighed to himself.

"I feel like they won't let that chandelier thing go until we graduate…"

"And you're the super sinful kid who stole the Prefect's tart!" The man said to Ace. "I'm so lucky to meet the rumored freshies so early in the morning~♪ Hey, hey~! Let's take a pic together! Yay~!"

He scooted a bit closer to the group as he took out his phone, the flashing light surprised Y/N as she rubbed her eyes a bit, blinking away the brightness.

"Hey, can I upload this? I wanna put hashtags so tell me your name."

"Deuce Spade."


"I'm Grim, and that's my henc-"

"Y/N L/N."

The male typed on his phone swiftly before looking back at the group.

"Alright, upload done~♪" He muttered. "Oh, I'm Cater Diamond, a 3rd year. That makes me your senior~ Call me Cater-kun, okay? Cate's fine, too~♡ Heya, heya~"

"Nice to meet you, Cater-senpai," Y/N smiled lightly at him.

"Oh! You're the new Prefect for Ramshackle Dorm! I'm surprised you can live in a place like that~!" Cater said, forgetting the fact that there's another person in Ramshackle.

"It's so dark, and i feel like something's gonna pop out~ I feel sorry for you~"

"Wait- I'm not- Cordelia is the Prefect, not me," Y/N sighed.

"This guy's being pretty rude," Grim grumbled, crossing his arms as he stood beside Y/N, clinging into her legs.

Then, Cater yelped in realization.

"Oh, I shouldn't be here and talking! The party's the day after tomorrow. It's off with my head if I'm late. Hey, hey, freshies~ Can you help me with painting the flowers?"

"Why're you doing something so strange?"

Cater asked for assistance but Ace asks back, raising his brows.

"I mean, won't it be more photogenic if the roses were red for the party~? I'm really busy because i'm also in charge of coloring the flamingos for the croquet match~"

Hearing this, Grim stared at Cater with an even more ridiculous expression than Y/N could do.

"Dyeing the flamingos!? That's a pretty weird job."

"So, the tarts that Ace ate were to be used for the Prefect's birthday party? I see now," Deuce muttered. "So that's why he was so mad…"

"What? That's not it." Cater shook his head.

"It ain't!? Then whose birthday is it??" Ace yelped.

"It's no one's birthday. The day after tomorrow is our Dorm's legendary [Unbirthday Party]." Cater stated. "It's a tea party that the Prefect felt like doing, so he chose a day that doesn't fall on anyone's birthday."

"The hell's that!?" Once again, Ace yelped.

"In any case, the reasons can wait! You just have to help me paint the roses! Deuce-chan, Y/N-chan and Grim-chan can use magic, right?" Cater glanced at y/n for a brief moment before turning to Ace.

"Ace-chan can't use magic, so here's a paint brush~"

"C-change the colors with magic, you mean…?"

Deuce stuttered while Grim deadpanned and crossed his arms.

"I haven’t done anything like that before, yanno."

"It's okay, relax~! We'll manage! We better hurry before the Prefect punishes us~"

Cater said in a joyful tone.

'Why am I being dragged into this..? I'm not even part of Heartslabyul… Cordeliaaaa save mee!!'
Y/N cried in her heart.

To Be Continued~

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ~❊~ 𝚃𝚠𝚜𝚝 × 𝙵!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now