🌹 The Crimson Tyrant - IV 🌹

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Y/N's PoV

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Y/N's PoV

"Red... Red... There!" Deuce exclaimed, he seemed to be concentrating really hard. Though unfortunately for him, the roses...

"...Ah!! It turned blue..."
He let out a defeated sigh. How sad.

I turned to Grim, he seemed troubled. Not gonna lie, i kinda enjoyed watching these two suffer-

"Change color.... Take that!"

Oh cheese!

"Gyaaa!! The roses are on fire!"

I frantically cast a water spell to turn off the fires, luckily it works. Though I specialized in fire and explosions magic... It's just my luck that I'm able to remember this water spell.

"You guys are really more terrible at this than I've imagined."
Cater sweatdropped, shaking his head as he directed his words to Deuce and Grim.

And I didn't use magic. I used a paintbrush instead, like Ace. Cuz apparently i haven't learn spells like changing colors of certain things, it wasn't really necessary back in Celedia.

"By the way, aren't the roses fine being white? They're pretty."

Yeah, I agreed with Ace. Though, I suppose red roses fit well with parties....idek.

"This is all part of tradition, okay? The roses for the Unbirthday Party should be red."

Of course, tradition. It's Herts- Hat- Heartslabyul's dorm tradition. I deadpanned, thank goodness I didn't stutter out loud. It would've been embarrassing for me.

"And it's been decided that the bat for the croquet match is a seven colored flamingo, and the balls will be hedgehogs." Cater said, I looked at him with a shocked and 'wtf' face.

Are the animals okay with that!?

"But, y'know, the spring garden concert of the flowers uses white roses. That's an important point too."

Cater kept going on about these traditions he spoke of.

"Nothing but weird rules!"
Grim said, I nodded my head slightly, agreeing with him.

"They say these rules were decided by the Queen of Hearts from the Great Seven."


"Riddle is particularly passionate about following the rules even compared to other dorm leaders. I won't deny he goes too far sometimes, though."

So he's that overly strict person with probably a dark background or something... Yeah, he must've been influenced by the people he grew up with. Just a hunch tho.

And by Cater's words, Ace realized the reason we're here in the first place.

"That's right. I don't have time for this. I want to speak to the dorm leader, is he inside?"
Ace asked.

"Hm? I think he should still be there." Cater replied. "By the way, Acey who stole the Prefect's tart~ Have you brought some tarts to make up for what you took?"

"Huh? Tart?" I furrowed my brows, confused as to why Ace should bring a tart with him. Is it one of the rules?

"Eh? I came here straight, so I got nothing..."
Ace seemed lost as well.

Cater sighed lightly, "Ahh, izzat so? Then, since rule #53 of the Queen of Hearts states that: ⟨You have to replace things that you stole⟩; I can't let you back in the dorm."


"Huh?! What the heck?!"

"I'll lose my head too if I knowingly let you in while you're not obeying the rules." Cater chuckled a bit. I hate the word 'rule' now. "I feel bad but you need to leave before Riddle notices."

His expression turned serious as he said the last sentence.

"Wha—He looks totally serious...! You guys, do something!"
Ace pleaded, Deuce turned to him with a 'hell nah' face. Is that even a thing? I dunno.

"Why me?!" Deuce complained.

"I'm begging you! I can't use my magic right now-!"

"Aight. Let's head out."
And just before Cater could do anything to us, I put Grim on my shoulder and grabbed Deuce's and Ace's hands.

"Thank you, Cater-senpai. And sorry for troubling you. Have a good day!"
I gave him a smile as I scurried out of the garden-maze with the boys, leaving the upperclassmen dumbfounded by my actions.

I let go of the boys once we exited the maze.

"What's up with that guy?" Ace huffed.

He continued to ramble on about the conversation earlier with Cater. While Deuce is pretty much irritated by Ace's rambling.

"Ouh shet!" I yelped, surprising the three others.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Deuce asked, I looked at him with a straight face.


"Well shit."

"Oh no. It's way past call time, we're gonna be late!"


"Let's hurry!"

To Be Continued

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