37. Season's Greetings

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For the next few days, Poppy found herself thinking about the conversation she had overheard between Snape and Malfoy. Hers and Harry's suspicions about Malfoy had been correct. He was a Death Eater. The question now was, what had Voldemort set up Malfoy put up to do and why was Snape protecting his? It must have been something important if he had made an unbreakable vow. 

Poppy made a mental note to discuss this with Dumbledore upon his return to Hogwarts. If Snape was siding against them, acting as though he was a double agent, Dumbledore would need to know. The Order would need to know.

Poppy temporarily let those thoughts drift from her mind, focusing on Christmas season. It was now Christmas morning and Poppy and Remus had been invited to spend it at the Burrow with the Wealsey's and Harry. She was excited to see everyone. Christmas was to be a temporary break from their hectic lives. 

She awoke rather early and prepared a hearty breakfast for herself and Remus. Pancakes, toast, bacon and eggs were on the menu. Using magic, the food cooked itself whilst she got ready. Remus was still sleeping and she wanted to take this time to let him sleep in and surprise him.

She had a brisk shower and got dressed into her outfit for the day. She put on a red turtleneck knit jumper-style dress, with some white boots to match. She then styled her hair into loose curls, tying it up with a red ribbon and put on her makeup. She felt as though she looked exceptionally festive. 

By the time she was finished getting ready, breakfast was had finished cooking. She set the breakfast onto each plate and levitated them onto the dinning room table. Then, she went into Remus.

"Mornin', sleepyhead," she joked as she walked into the room. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, darling," Remus mumbled, still half asleep.

She walked into the room and sat down on the bed beside him.

"I've made us breakfast. It's on the table," she said before leaning down and placing a kiss on his cheek, leaving the remnants of her red lipstick upon his skin. "Then maybe after, we can exchange presents?"

"That sounds lovely, sweetheart," Remus told the girl as he slid out of bed and headed towards the closet, attempting to find an outfit for the day. "What time do we have to be at the Burrow?"

"Molly wants us there at one," she answered with a smile. 


The pair had a lovely breakfast together. Following that, they exchanged presents. She had bought Remus some new clothes, a stack of muggle books he would enjoy, a set enchanted watches, similar to the of Weasley's clock, telling them when the other was in peril, along with a framed photograph of Sirius and Remus from the previous Christmas in Grimmauld Place.

Remus stared at the photograph for a few moments, seemingly appreciating and missing Sirius. It seemed as though both of their minds temporarily drifted to thoughts of Sirius, wondering what their Christmas would have been like if he was still there with them.

He then gave her the present he had gotten her. She recieved some lovely perfume, some new boots for work, a ring with her birthstone and a few books. She geuinely appreciated the gifts, pulling him in for a big kiss.

It was then that Remus decided to get ready for the day. Poppy took this time to quickly visit her mother. It had been a while since she had visited her. She was so caught up with work, and honestly, she did not wish to lead Death Eaters to her mother's house. She wanted her to be safe.

Their meeting was brief, as Poppy's mother, Marianne, was to join extended family for Christmas. The pair shared a pot of tea and talked. Poppy mentioned her work at Hogwarts, leaving out the important details. Marianne told her of her own work at the Ministry, and how You-Know-Who's presence in the wizarding world once more was making work rather busy. 

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