A Walk Down the Aisle

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"Hurry up," Becky demanded breathlessly as she practically ran down the sweeping steps, the banisters covered with flowers and other ornaments. Sally and Spencer had both agreed that the reception was to be at the house, instead of some other place. So now, the whole house buzzed with waiters and waitresses preparing everything for the reception of the wedding. And Nora headed them, much to her obvious delight. She just loved bossing people around.

"We can't be late!" Becky exclaimed, as she landed on the bottom step and rounded on them. "Hurry up!"

Lizzie rolled her eyes at her sister. "Relax, Becky," she chastised, helping Sally with her dress, "if we hurry up so more, Sally's going to trip and fall down a flight of stairs on her wedding day," she said as she held Sally's skirts out of the way, "and anyway, we're going to a wedding, not to the movies."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Becky asked, rushing forward to open the door for them. A cold burst of wind rushed through, and they all shivered from the cold winter afternoon.

"We can't be late in going to the movies because we'd miss the opening credits, or the prologue scenes that happens right when the film starts rolling," Lizzie explained, giving Becky a stern look. "But we're going to a wedding. We have the bridewith us. We can be late all we want."

Becky looked indignant. "Speak for yourself!"

"Girls," Mrs. Daniels' began wearily as she marched down the steps to the open door of the limo. "Let's go."

"See?" Becky pointed out.

"You completely missed my point!" Lizzie retorted. She grabbed her skirts (and Sally's) and walked cautiously down the marble steps. She didn't like stilettos. (Okay fine. Maybe she wasn't wearing stilettos, just plain ordinary three-inch heels, but it felt like stilettos to her). She much preferred walking flat on the ground than three-inches (or even an inch) higher.

And the fact that the floor was made of marble and it was almost wet because of the snow, made it even harder for Lizzie. She wobbled as she walked, holding out her hands for balance.

"Get in!" Becky's muffled voice came from inside the limo.

Lizzie helped Sally in the car, and she ushered her mom inside before she too climbed in the car. Everyone had already gone and this was the last limo. The driver was about to shut the door when Nora came running out the front door of the house.

Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she approached the car, and looked at Sally. "Oh Miss Sally, good luck today," she said.

Sally blushed, and smiled. "Thank you so much, Nora."

"I'll be waiting for you, Mrs. Spencer Ridge," Nora added as she straightened up.

Sally laughed. "Oh Nora!"

Nora waved as she stepped back and the driver neatly shut the door. "Okay, we're all in!" Lizzie exclaimed, adjusting in her seat.

"Stop moving!" Becky ordered. "I keep having mouthfuls of Sally's dress!"

"Then don't open your mouth!" Lizzie cried back, as she found a comfortable position. Even four people was just too much for a limo (because of Sally's big dress).

Suddenly, Sally burst out laughing. "Oh, I can't believe you two!"

"That makes two of us," Mrs. Daniels retorted, fanning her face with her hand. "I can't simply keep up with all this endless chatter."

"It's not endless, mom," Lizzie insisted.

"Oh no," Becky agreed.

Lizzie peeked through the mass of white cloth in front of her to look at Becky. "At least we agree on something," she said with a smile.

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