Part 1 (because Im unoriginal)

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(Your pov)

"wake up, wake up! GET UP YOU LAZY ASS!" our maid Abigail told me as she shook me awake,

"arrgh... IM UP!" I yelled as i shot up in my big comfy bed. "finally your up, had a nice dream? Had to be because not even the dogs got you up!" she said, I got up from my bed and went to my walk-in wardrobe. I opened the door and picked out my outfit for the day.

(your outfit and you can change your looks if you want)

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(your outfit and you can change your looks if you want)

(your outfit and you can change your looks if you want)

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(your boots)

(Your crown and earrings)

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(Your crown and earrings)

I come out of my walk-in wardrobe and Abigail just rolls her eyes "What?" I ask looking at her with one eyebrow, "Seriously, that outfit again?" she looks at me and then my outfit with 'that' look in her eye "I like this outfit" I said with a pout " Yes and all of the other ones that look exactly the same, now hurry up breakfast is starting soon and the King and Queen has something important to say to you and your brother" she said  as she walked out of my room. Wait what? Aww grate I'm probably going to get my ass beat, buuuuttt if my bro is also there they want us to go to some boring ass meeting in a neverland mansion with some bold heavens-gate looking mother fucker and I'm going to have to put up with that shit  and be polite during it all, god dam-it! Whelp time to face the music!

 I walk down the long boring steps and in to the dining room finally Jesus whoever built palace really wanted to bore the people living here to death. " Ahaaa my son,  just the person i wanted to see sit down sit down." The old brute said, I walked over and sat down on one of the dining chairs awaiting the lecture from the 'great King and thy oh gracious Queen of Maldonia'. " Naveen, Kiera you are old enough to be marred and to earn your own money from now on and so we have come to the decision that Prince Naveen we are cutting off your funds" "WHAT!!" ",and Prince Kiera you are to go to the kingdom of Kalancea to marry their daughter.", my parents said, what... no... this cant be happening... no.NO.NO.NO I CANT marry her they know im gay so why? no.

CLIFFHANGER!!! HAHA you all probably hate me now-^-

Thank you for reading this if you even are reading it but thank you anyway! I really appreciate it as this is my first book! 501 words wow! Thank you all! 


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