The Real Runaway -^-

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(general pov)


"Bllaaa-blep! What time is is?,"

Kira get up from his bed and look over to the partially smashed alarm clock that is surprisingly still working,

"8:41, ALREADEY!", he screamed, Kira quickly scampered out of bed and rushing in to his wardrobe and getting the clothes he wore the first time he went to go to his bros room to get out off the castle, and as we all know how that went-^-, but this time he got a different mask and put it in the bag he grabbed that was lodged in the back of the wardrobe,

"8:41, ALREADEY!", he screamed, Kira quickly scampered out of bed and rushing in to his wardrobe and getting the clothes he wore the first time he went to go to his bros room to get out off the castle, and as we all know how that went-^-, but this...

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(The Mask)

He quickly ran to his bedroom window and climbed out onto the pipe and wedged his fingers into the brick-work.

*God dam it! this hurts I have to rush to get to bros room! I'm to LAZY!!T^T*

 *MEH* (** means that they are thinking)

After some time he got to Naveen's room.

(Your' pov)

FINALY! After what felt like an eternity I eventually got bros room. I tap on the glass a couple of times to get his attention, 

:Naveen: "Brother!, why did you go this way to my room!?,"

:Kira: "You said to be stealthy so I went this way," 

:Naveen: "Well, get in before one of the guards see you,"

:Kira: "Fine,"

He opened the window ad ushered me in, I climbed in with little effort , I'm just that amazing. Once I was inside I saw some thing that DIsGuSteD me beyond extent... 


That short stuck up man Is nothing but trouble, the only reason I will put up with this man Is because he will help me get away from the arranged marriage, But I swear as soon I find a place to stay I'm diching them. My brother is nothing but a pathetic brat that only thinks about himself and his parties and he is currently having a big fucking tantrum because mommy and daddy are fed up with him being lazy and not actually earning his money  with a JOB!! 

:Kira: "Wadup Lawrence long time no see*fucking bitch*"

:Lawrence: "Ah, Prince Kira, how are you this evening,"

:Kira: "Not to bad, not to shabby ether. You?"

:Lawrence: " Just peachy, my Prince,"

OMG'S I just want to punch that smug little face off him!!!! Naveen is grabbing his stuff now so we would finally get rid of this dIsUstiNG castle!

:Naveen: "Alright! I have goten all my stuff packed and sorted, we should be all ready to go."

:Kira: "FINALY!! -Italian accent- Lets'a go Mario!"


*I thought that Kira should have a guitar or violin so let me know in the comments you would like the most! But until then

StAy tunEd

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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