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go to 2:24 for this story

(Your pov still)

This cant be happening, they want me to marry another kingdoms daughter and they know I'm gay. But their is hope, my brother is planning to runaway with a jazz band that's in our country and is soon departing to New Orleans and he is going to talk to them tonight and try and secure a place with them on their journey to New Orleans and I'm going to. I quickly go in to my walk-in wardrobe and quick and quietly get changed.

(your hoodie and mask)

(your hoodie and mask)

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(your shoes)

I creep out of my wardrobe and grab my backpack and fill it with all of my secret stash of money (that I definitely did not steal wink, wink) and grab some of my outfits i want to keep and run to my bothers room and I enter, "What the fuck are you...

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I creep out of my wardrobe and grab my backpack and fill it with all of my secret stash of money (that I definitely did not steal wink, wink) and grab some of my outfits i want to keep and run to my bothers room and I enter, "What the fuck are you doing dressed like that brother!", he says rushing to the door and looking to see if anyone followed me which there wasn't because I'm a expert at sneaking around, seriously i think my brothers a dumbass.

 " Bro I know what you are doing and I want to come to you know that I cant marry a girl! And me and her have been best friends long enough that I know that she Is a lesbian and in love with a common girl in New Orleans, please brother I'm begging you, take me with you," I pleaded him, god I feel like a spooled little girl begging her father for a new pony. My brother looked at me in shock for a second before shacking his head and saying," fine you can come with me but just to let you know that there is one more person in on this and is coming with me, ok?" , "ok, who?" i said with a hint of curiosity lased in my voice. "Lawrence, Lawrence is coming with us. Grate now you know that you know who is in on this we are all meeting up at 9:30 tonight ok , from what I've heard the band are leaving tomorrow around 9:34 am ok Ill explain at 9:30 when we meat up ok now get back to your room before they go in there and find you missing and don't get cached on the way back ok brother?" my brother says with a little bit of worry in his voice ,"OK brother until 9:30," "until 9:30"



yes i am i so really am but, IS THAT A ACTUAL TITLE OMG WOW!!! But in all siresnes thank you for reading my story I'll see you next part


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