Chapter 68 - 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Reina's Point Of View

Spontaneous thinking. God it was so much fun to think of something that you would never do alone but do it with someone you absolutely hate. So, you know me being me the most amazing person Narc will ever meet, I realised that he doesn't have much adventure in his life and that was pretty much one of the saddest things in my books. Being involved in the mafia life meant that we were always cornered into being that person who was always protected because it could be our family on the line but I was always intrigued on what a normal life would be like.

I'm pretty sure under his hard cold attitude he has always wondered it to. I bet you that he has never been to a theme park before. Oh my God. I am a total genius. I'll take him to a theme park. He'll be out for a couple more hours giving me the time to drive and reach a theme park before he wakes up.

I arrived at the theme park and I saw Narc beginning to shift around waking up fully.

"Where the fuck are, we?" he groaned while rubbing his eyes violently.

"Oh good, you're awake. We are at a theme park because I believe that you have absolutely no adventure side in your whole life. So yeah, hear we are. But now that I'm looking at you, I'm realising you can't go on rides with that fucking shirt and trousers, can you? So, we're going to stop at a shop."

"Turn back Nem."


"Go back." He commanded with his gritted teeth clearly with rage boiling in his system.

"Nope." I said while parking the car and then getting out. I walked to the other side of the car opening the door beckoning him to come out. He didn't budge but instead gave me a look. The stubborn look when you don't want to do something. The look that Hazel would give to Reese when he didn't give her favourite chocolate. Spoilt brat.

I took his leg and dragged his body closed the car door and locked it. So, he had the choice to follow me or get lost round here. He thoroughly considered the second option while looking around. Grabbing his hand, I lead him not the shop and we went to the men's section.

"Pick clothes."


"pick clothes before I pick them for you." he groaned with utter tediousness and annoyance. He wasn't moving so I picked a range of t-shirts and shorts and dragged his hand to the dressing room. The big dressing room because the man refused to change his clothes so it was time to change them for him.

"Change." He stared at me with such hatred and didn't budge. This man sure does hold a grudge forever eh. I made my way towards him and lifted his t-shirt slightly and threw it over his head. I went and turned around to get the other shirt, his strong hands grabbed me and shoved me up against the wall.

My back was against his and his tall frame had now trapped me. His tobacco scent had taken over surround and was now all that I could smell. As much as I hate to admit it, I had weak spots for that scent and parts of me even wanted to wake up to it.

"What the hell are you doing, Nem?" he commanded to me as if I was some sort of dog.

"Let go of me, Narc or else." I growled back at him matching his exact same level of rage that he has flowing through his veins.

"Or else what Nem?" he said. I may not have been staring directly at him but I could definitely sense his mischievous winning grin from a goddamn mile away. He wants dominance over me but can't have it unless he provokes me into winning it but he doesn't get it.

I kneed him in the crotch area and then turned around and used the weight that I actually did have to push him onto the ground with me on top of hm. I had a knife at his neck.

"Get this through your fucking head. You'll always be outsmarted by me. Always. You think your ahead of me by one step when I'm actually ahead of you by three. Don't ever think you have me known." I sneered at him while getting up and brushing myself while heading to the door out of annoyance that for once I was here helping him live his life for once.

He grabbed my hips and smashed his lips onto me. The adrenaline flew in my veins rapidly while my mind was trying to wrap what kind of psychological trick, he's playing on me. He tasted so good and we were both so intoxicated by each other. As I said before he was a drug. We didn't stop till we need some air and when we finally did, he cupped his hands on my cheeks and rested his forehead on mine.

Narc was a fucking giant compared to me but he felt like a safe place to me constantly.

"I apologise for screaming to you, baby ok?"

"hm, you're not forgiven.... yet."

He smirked while cocking his eyebrows up. Goddamnit he looked so fucking sexy how was I meant to handle myself around him. Supress the urge Reina. Supress it right now.

"Not yet?"

"That's what I said."

"So where are we going sweetheart?" he said smiling while staring into my eyes.

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