Always and Forever

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Written for a discord contest. Prompt: Romance; two spies that love each other

Dreamnap - first time writing this ship - angst - i actually really like their friendship

The wind swirled around him as he leapt over the buildings, moving from one rooftop to the next. His movements were fluid, like a creek without a single rock in its way. A leaf drifting through the breeze. A spy on another mission.

Dream loved his life. Being a spy was difficult, but the rush of adrenaline that came with each task made his cheeks flush and his heart race a little bit faster. Each danger he put himself in, each predicament he found himself struggling to get out of --- such moments were the interwoven fabric of his existence. His job was his life.

He was the top of his work, the best of the best. But even the best found themselves distracted periodically.

His distraction came in the form of the man sitting on the edge of the fountain, backlit by the lights of the cascade behind him, waiting as he dropped down from the final rooftop and made his way towards him.


He looked roughed up, like he had gotten into a fight on the way to their meeting place, and his black hair was a mess, but Dream's heart still fluttered at the sight of him. Dangerous tasks; Sapnap. Both made him forget how to breathe.

"You're here," Sapnap said when Dream reached him, standing up. His face lit up like a star at the sight of him, mirroring his own ecstasy. "I was beginning to think that you wouldn't show up."

Dream scoffed. "Me, stand up a person like you? Not in a million years."

Sapnap chuckled lightly, sitting down again. Dream followed suit. He didn't often get to spend time with Sapnap, what with all the missions he had and whatnot, but he treasured every second he got. They were both busy people, one being a spy and the other being a military trainer. Both jobs where pain was not uncommon. Probably where he had gotten his bruises from.

"Well, you certainly took your time," Sapnap huffed. He crossed his arms, pretending to be offended. "I really thought that I'd have to spend the night by myself, sitting here all alone. I told George that I'd be meeting a friend tonight. If I came back early, he'd never stop teasing me about it."

Dream laughed, folding his hands in his lap. "That would be unfortunate," he agreed with a lopsided smile. "Lucky for you, I keep my promises. Always."

Always. Always and forever. A long time, he knew, but he was willing to spend an eternity waiting for Sapnap.

He didn't even know if the man loved him back. Sure, Sapnap constantly teased him and made flirty jokes at his expense, but they had always been jokes, nothing more. Dream always hinted that the man might mean something more than just a friend to him, but Sapnap never seemed to pick up on it.

Not that it mattered. Dream would do anything for him, whether he loved him back or not.

The moon glittered in the sky above them, an imperfect sphere of light and shadow. He could clearly make out each and every crater on the satellite's surface, every little detail laid out before him for his eyes to take in. Stars sparkled against the black of the night. Not a single cloud covered the sky.

Some god up there must really like me, Dream reflected with a soft smile. This is the most beautiful night I've ever seen.

"It's so nice out," Sapnap remarked, as if he was thinking the same thing. "I wish I could pause this moment forever."

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