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As a young child without a home I longed for a place to call my own, and people to be part of myself— A family. L, [Name], and M filled that void perfectly. But it never really mattered, nor was in the realm of possibility to happen.
When I turned eight I understood murder, mass killing, corruption, suicide, etc. better than any kid my age. And, it had just occurred to me that L's job as a detective involved a lot of blood behind the scenes. That, I theorized, the fear of being together just to be separated by death, was what held L and [Name] back from being in a tied relationship.
However, following my tenth birthday, I saw a change in [Name] and L. They looked more relaxed, and their gazes would hold each other for longer periods of time. Not to mention L's red face when he came in contact with [Name] for whatever reason- such as a light brush of their fingertips.

One chilly October afternoon I spied them from the comfort of my room. I had installed several mirrors angled towards the window of my room so that I could see the common room, where they sat and talked. I read their lips, listening with my eyes. L talked about a possible murder while [Name] argued that it all pointed out to a clear suicide. They had exchanged arguments, slightly getting off topic every once in a while for the sake of killing time, for hours until they reached the same conclusion.

"The angle of the gun was 56 degrees south, pointing exactly at the bathtub inside the victims house," L said.
"Yes, but the time was 9:49, and the autopsy shows that Mr.Boston lost his life at 9:00, almost an hour prior to the bullet. The high dose of painkillers, the timing, the bullet. It doesn't make sense unless-" [Name] paused, L tilted his head, then they both nodded as their gaze met. "-It was a failed attempt of murder. Someone tried to frame someone else as a murder for the suicide of Mr.Boston," She confidently stated.
L hummed, letting his legs fall off the couch; his feet naked. "Very impressive; and it only took you a hundred and thirteen minutes to figure out the answer," L added.

I smiled to myself, since I had thought about it too.

"In my defence, I had to listen to you talking about aliatory topics for at least an hour- Now, I don't know how talking about the velvet in cake should be replaced with whipped cream helped your argument, but you were very convincing in taking my attention away," [Name] laughed. I could see him smile, too, a blush apparent on his pale skin. I rolled my eyes.

𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓢𝓪𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now