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*mention of abuse and rape*


That word is the only thing Lilly could say she felt right now. Lonely. She has been wasting away for over 500 years as a vampire. I mean don't get her wrong some days are fun, but then she has the days were people forget about her and focus on her sister Kathrine. Even when Klaus was looking for a dople-ganger he always seemed to forget her.

In her human life her and Kathrine were inseparable, they did every thing together. They even got pregnant together by accident (not by the same guy obviously) and even died together but there was always a difference.

One was more loved than the other. Their father would cherish Katerina while abuse and rape Lilliana, not that anyone knew, and you'd think it would get easier over time to see your own sister get better treatment than you for doing nothing while you do everything to get it. 

But it doesn't it still hurts every time especially when someone starts to pay attention to you only for them to mistake you for the other twin. 

it was after a few century's that lily realised that Kathrine never cared for her, or well it never looked like it. She would only ever care for herself and what it to for her to survive.

It was then that Lilliana decided to leave and make a life for herself and not to be known as just 'Kathrine's sister' she would be known as lily pierce and make sure it was heard loud and clear. 

She then met a boy who looked to be around 17 in the 1900s who was feasting from a human so she approached him.

flash back  

"Hello" she said quite calmly "mind if I sit?" but she sat before he could even say anything.

"what do you want lady" he hissed at her quite latterly.

"just to sit and watch the stars would you like to join me?" she offered trying to bring his attention away from the man he murdered.

He looked at her like she was crazy thinking she was human but sat with her non the less.

"what are you doing here, you just saw me killing a man with my bare teeth?" he asks hesitantly.

"its nothing I haven't done before" making him look at her in confusion " but it seems like you have gone of the rails my friend and you have caught my attention on why"

he looked at her for a while before he finally broke and confessed his heart out "I'm a monster, I do monstrous things why should others live a lie when they can be set free of the world. I was trying to stay on an animal diet with my creator but I couldn't human blood just smelled so good and I lost control"   

"creator? ah you must be a cold one" she guessed making him looked confused once again "it doesn't matter, anyway with your problem there are a few ways you could go with this as I call it 'ripper faze'. so you could either believe you could do it but that one never really works or you could find an anchor."

"what's an anchor?" he asked curiously making her chuckle.

"an anchor is something that holds you down, stops you from doing monstrous things like a mate or a family member but I'm guessing your a new born so you have just lost all of that. So become your own anchor you don't want to be a monster do you?" seeing his head shake she continues. "so make yourself not be one just remember your doing this for your own good."

He then agreed and after time she helped him. She taught him of her kind of vampire and some of her human life and they became fast friends. Even after a while he went back to his creator Carlisle she promised to keep in contact with him, to which she did.

End of flashback  

So when the sister of her old friend called saying he was going to kill himself over a human, she promised herself she would get him back before he died even if she had grab him by the ear and drag him back she would do it. So the response the sister got from Lilly was 'fuck yeah'.

"get ready Edward because your in big trouble" she muttered driving to the airport about to go to Volterra and drag Eddy's ass home if she had to

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