Chapter 6

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As the object whirred to life, the cave started to illuminate with a bright white light. I looked over at Kaya and she covered her face. I decided that it was the smart thing to do and so I copied. A blue light shot out of the middle of the box. The light wavered slowly as a figure appeared. The figure was that of a man's who had light brown hair, neatly combed to the side. He was wearing sunglasses to either hide his face or he liked wearing them. He was a muscle-bound man who looked in his forties.

He looked at us as if he was waiting for us to arrive. As if he could see the around us, his head moved side to side. I looked around to see what he was looking for. I spotted no other life source in sight. He looked back at us, grateful to see no other life source, and spoke, "Hello, my name is Agent James Walker."

I was surprised at how clear he sounded. The futuristic machine was doing a very good job with clarity in voice and the way he was displayed. "What do you want from us?" Kaya spoke out. In all the confusion, I had actually forgot that she was still there.

"You two will be carrying out a mission which involves saving this world," Agent Walker replied back to Kaya in a very serious tone. I was curious and wondered how two teenagers could accomplish that. I opened my mouth to ask my question but Kaya beat me to it. "How are two teenagers going to save an entire planet?" Kaya questioned, "Don't you think that's messed up in so many ways."

Agent Walker looked back at Kaya and replied with mind-scrambling words, "It's never too late to stand up and fight for what you believe in." Kaya stood there analyzing the words. Then Agent Walker said, "And you two have abilities that no other human being has." This was becoming out of hand. "So you're telling us that we have abilities," I said in a very disbelieving and annoyed tone, "that no one else has."

"Yes, you do," Agent Walker replied, "Mike, you can defy the laws of light by bending light. This allows you to see around corners and maybe be able to go faster than the speed of light."

I rubbed my hand through my hair. "What is he talking about", I thought. Then, I started to remember. Every situation where I had felt agitated or scared. If I felt danger, I could see someone or something. Even a teacher getting a pop quiz ready. I looked at Agent Walker, mesmerized.

Agent Walker face Kaya and said, "You, my dear, can change the weather depending on your mood. If you're happy, the sun shines but if you're sad, rain will start to pour. On the other hand, the weather can only be changed if the mood is severe."

It had happened to her once or twice as I could remember. Kaya also realized that he was telling. Without warning, Agent Walker spoke about how we could escape. I turned my head sharply at the agent. "You can only escape this world by completing this mission," Agent Walker advised, " and that mission is for you two to acquire the man in that building's plan." With that, the machine slowly died down and Agent Walker left, his word's hanging like a rope.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes. My eyes felt like someone had shown a light bulb in them for hours. I looked at Kaya and she stared at me. I decided to walk out and Kaya followed behind. As soon as I arrived outside of the cave, the hot sun beat down on me like a bullet. I saw the building and ran towards it but tripped over a bag. Kaya tried holding in a laugh but failed miserably to do so. I, In fact, could not hold mine in either. We laughed for a long time. We hadn't laughed since Frank died and I decided that the mission could come after.

After we had stopped laughing, Kaya walked over to the bag and opened it. "There's all the necessities that we need, compressed into a little bag," Kaya said, matter-of-factly. I walked over to the bag and peered over her shoulder. There was a first aid kit, sleeping bags and other items. I closed the bag, picked it up, slung it over one of my shoulders and started to walk away. Kaya got up and walked with me.

We continued to walk towards the building in silence. Kaya decided to start a conversation and started by saying, "Don't you think it's far." I replied and ended the conversation, "Well yeah, it is very far. It will take us thirty to forty minutes tops." I looked down at the ground. Kaya was trying so hard to keep up but just couldn't keep up. I chuckled and walked at her pace. She realized and looked embarrassed. I held in a laugh and continued to walk.

"What do you think we're looking for?" she asked. I studied the building. It had pegs leading to the top. The building had a red telescope sticking out. The building actually looked like the face of a Dalek. "I have no idea," I replied. Kaya shrugged and started and then I followed behind.

We soon reached the top of the building and entered the building. The door was plain black with a black knob. I opened the creaky door to find nobody. I walked into a mad scientist's lab. There were disfigured creatures on the side in jars filled with mutagen. There was a table filled with wires connected to a machine I did not know of. There was also a distillation device on the table with the machine. I walked past all of it to find a door. Outside of the lab, the building looked exactly a ship from Star Wars. It had a black hallway with a wall with windows. The hallway seemed to stretch out forever. Kaya and I ran towards the end until we heard a sound. I looked for a hiding place and decided that the vents would be best. I saw a bit of the man before closing the grate.

The man was walking with a woman. They both seemed to be of the same age and were talking about something. This is what I heard: "The plan is to take this world's resources," said the man. "What do we do with all that energy?" the woman wondered out loud. The man looked as if he were going to murder someone."Since you are new to this job, I'll explain it one last time," the man said, "The Star Destroyer will be fueled by all the energy we can get from this world and it will be used to destroy all human life on the wretched planet Terra. When all humans are destroyed, I will create new life and control them. They will do my bidding. This will do well for the inequal beings."

The woman scrambled to write everything down. Kaya gasped at the thought of the torture. This caused a noise that the man heard. He walked up to the vent system, took a pistol out, cocked the gun and shot. The bullet whizzed past my hair. Kaya kept quiet this time and turned around and slowly moved out of here. I decided to follow her. I did not want to hear the rest. My hair blew as the cold wind blew at my face. Agent Walker would handle the rest.

After hours of finding our way out, we arrived at the lab again. I kicked the grate and jumped out, helping Kaya out of the vent system. "That was messed up and freaking scary," she spoke with a hint of fear in her voice. I did not want to remember it and so I walked out and started climbing down. As we walked back, night fell.

I opened the bag and took out a tent. I clicked a button on the side to automatically. I looked in the bag and threw Kaya a sleeping bag. She caught and walked inside the tent. I took mine out and noticed that there were more than three. I was too tired to think about it. I looked back at the building one last time and remembered all the bad things that had happened. I thought not to think a lot about the base or the building. I walked into the tent and setup. As soon as I laid down, I fell asleep.

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