chapter 5

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Hiro's pov

   I woke up on something more comfortable than any pillow I have ever slept on! My eyes fluttered open and I saw that I was laying on Chloe! I blushed but didn't raise my head was on her breasts, but once I noticed I had only blushed a light shade of pink, and didn't freak out very much. I hadn't wanted to freak out so as to not wake Chloe up. I smiled lightly and closed my eyes just enjoying the moment that I was in at that moment in time. I wasn't tired anymore and I wanted to look at a clock. I slowly got off Chloe so that I could grab my phone. I walk over to my desk, that was the last place I put my phone. I picked it up and looked at the time and saw it was only four in the morning. I looked down at a little more closely at my phone to see I got text message from my mom.

Lovely mother<3: How do you like you dorms so far??

Me: I like them a lot! They are very comfy and cozy, no those are not the same in my book!

  I knew that since it was a little earlier than he would normally wake up, I didn't expect him to reply right away, and even if he was awake I hadn't expected him to respond right away. I walked out of my room and walked into the kitchen, I found a coffee maker which is what I need right now! I started the coffee maker and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. I watched the coffee maker as it was my only thing to do right now while the twins were asleep.
   I sat there for a few moments until I felt arm slither around my waist. I look up unfazed to see Carter with a tired look on his face.
"What are you doing up so early bub?" I smile at how adorable that was.
"I just happened to wake up at this time so I decided to make some coffee, because I'm not tired anymore." He nodded his head lightly in understanding and I smiled a little bigger. I heard a ding that signified that the coffee was ready, I poor the the hot steamy liquid into my mug, that happened to be a creeper from Minecraft. I sip on my coffee and just felt relaxed for more than 20 seconds of my crazy ass life.
  I noticed that I ran out of coffee and that it was about an hour and a half later. School didn't start for another like 4 hours, even though I didn't have to worry about that because I had the whole ass week off! I smiled at the thought of not having to be stressed out on the my first week of school. I hadn't noticed that Carter fell asleep on my shoulder, so that ment I couldn't really move, but I wasn't complaining I had nothing better to do than stand here and watch as the clock goes tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock. I stood there for a full hour just watching as the clock ticked away eating at my useless time of the day. Two hours had passed since I had woken up and it had just know turned six o'clock.
  Carter at some point teleported to his bed, so I could finally move away from the spot I was standing. I went to the couch and just sat there. It started raining and I just sat there, well more like laying on the couch, listening to sound of the water either trickling down or the small taps of it hitting the roof and window. I sat up and looked out the window staring into those dark grey clouds that covered the sky so that no light would be able to come through. It reminded me of when Louis and I were kids, when we watched it rain my mom would come up to us and tell us that when it rained, that ment the sky was sad, that the sky was crying. Louis and I looked at each other so worried for the sky that we also started crying in each others arms.
  I smiled at remembering the funny and happy times that I had with him....  I sat back down fully on the couch and pulled out my phone, I opened up YouTube and watched some random videos that I had found. I watched them as sleep slowly took over me....
Hope that may have calmed some of you if you were stressed!! Sorry if was a little boring!!

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