The Meeting, Part 2

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"Why hello, Lina!"

Lina was stunned at the new atmosphere around her.

Previously, there was a lack of organization; boxes would've been piled upon each other with no regard for any aesthetic. The first smell you would've encountered would be worn books with new books, fresh wall paint, with lack of food other than assorted trail mix, which was too minuscule to even cut through the other types of aroma. Plenty of items were yet to be discovered in cautiously labeled...boxes. The same boxes that flooded the entire apartment. Lack of textures. Lack of style. Cluttered minimalism.

There was a whole new atmosphere within the past three days. Lack of any boxes around, and the stench of fresh paint diffused to somewhere else. The paint, to get more visual, would have the personality of the Austro-Goths; soldiers able to invade any area, and yet lack the mindset to build a boat to get there easier. Nether the less, resistant.

Thankfully, they would invade the hallway two floors below; they were satisfied with conquering Lina's apartment long before the "temporary sons" arrived.

Boxes would be replaced with mid-high class modern furniture.

One couch would be colorized in faded shades of pink, pillows and throw blankets, all with durable seams and designs rivaling luxury boutiques in the area, from indie to high-brow influential. This couch faced the window with it's back to the eating area.

The couch looking towards the eating area could've been an eyesore for some, if the vast array of feminine colors weren't all pastel. Although the pillows and throw blankets would seem innocent to an eye not trained to seek details, others would beg to differ. Subliminal messages would point to gore, knives, and a reoccurring medical theme. Of course, this would be blended with childlike imagery, entailing a fantasy of bandaged animal plushies, pills disguised with candy wrappers, and the list would continue.

Sick humor, or negative outlook based on a cute facade? I am a good writer. I will only show, not tell.

The final couch would face the basic flatscreen TV; on a wall which continues backward-left as the walls for the eating area. The couch in question is an eyesore, but in a nostalgic 80's outlook. Tasteful masculine kitsch, only because of the geometric or pixelated prints on the pillows, and a hip hop flavor in the throw blankets.

This couch was obviously Lina's, in the same way as the two other couches were not Lina's, but for the two other roommates. Three couches that came in a set; they were bland and indistinguishable from each other. They were not valued as highly as the more fashionably expensive options. It was clear from the get-go that the company was in deep debt before, and wanted to get rid of as many of their stock as they can, even if it meant losing profit...

That was until M'adore bought it; she personalized each of the couches. The couches were now separated from each other, as they had new accessories, new unique styles that still were minimalistic enough to fit the overall theme of the entire apartment.

Yes, it was M'adore. The social butterfly, the rising designer who would model her own designs because she had the attractiveness to model, was not only roommates with a shut-in socially awkward scientist, but had bought discount furniture and accessorized it to prove a point:

"What? As my mother said back from home, 'just because something is popular now, doesn't mean that it will always be highly valued, or good at all from the start!'"

Any of the extra-dimensional boys would notice that M'adore was the first to greet Lina, as the prettier one was cooking.

Lina bended down at the boys' height, or at an approximate level.

"Everyone can go sit on the center sofa across from the TV... Except for Jevil. He will sit on the multicolored pastel sofa."

The boys followed as suit. Including Jevil, although bouncy. He never knocked or broke anything, but he was still his rowdy, usual self.

There are three people in this apartment complex. Two were M'adore, and Lina. I have yet to tell you about the last girl.

Enter Melon. The short one, the plump one, the one who has "Yami Kawaii" as her lifestyle. As you can expect, she is famous for it, releasing music (the single "Gamble Love" in the album "Miss Vegas Makes It" is a cult classic), as well as modeling herself, and being a voice actor in areas including France.

Surprisingly, Melon is only serious about finances, and does some, if not most of the financial work for the house. If you talk to her about anything else, she has that usual carefree, cheerful vibe to her.

Melon then spoke.

"It's been three days Lina! We were concerned! What were you doing in that time?!"

"And besides hun," M'adore interrupted, "who are these boys? I've never seen males like them before".

Lina glanced at the living area from her right side next to the eating area/kitchen. There they were. Five boys, each from different backgrounds. Different universes, actually.

Are you alone, or are you loved by plenty?
Are you rich and snobby, or poor, doing what you enjoy?
Are you just chaotic?

I wouldn't know, because I don't stalk you through my writing. I don't personally know you, if at all.

None of these characters wouldn't know you, because they aren't real in this world. Who knows, maybe they don't think that you're real. And yet, once again, they wouldn't personally know you, if at all.

The three roommates cooked some extra food for the five, placed the food on the large coffee table, and began seating themselves.

The meeting begins now.

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