The Meeting, Part 1

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"How fascinating...You five got out alive..!"

At 21 years old, a woman draped with baggy clothing was silently begging for an answer, leaning in front of the five demons. Her wide eyes examined closely.

Bizu and Botsu, both taller than the rest group, were a bit shorter than the woman. The two, sitting, were arguing about who 'broke reality'. Not as fond, as she would explain the situation later. Bendy, and Ben, on the other spectrum, were working together to research what happened, mostly agreeing to certain topics. Jevil, was...himself. Although quite confused about what happened, he was, as usual, cheerful.

She smirked.

Bizu and Botsu notice the woman. Bizu, being sassy again, spoke up.

"Koko de no ōkina aidea wa nanidesu ka?"

The woman looked unamused.

"Sorry, I didn't teach myself Japanese. Only Italio and Tom Sawyer."

"Who are you again?", Botsu piped up. Bizu looked like he was ready to burst.

The woman cleared her throat.

"Name's Lina. I'm an indie inventor."

At this point, BEN and Bendy were attentive to this "Lina". Jevil...not so much.

"Why are we here? I was just leaving from an interview", Bendy remarked.

Another side of Lina was shown.

"I dunno buddy, I just hit shuffle on this remote..."

Lina holds up a pink flip phone, which was modified to be a remote for a certain device. She then points to a circular type of mechanical portal, encased in a deep, open suitcase.

"...Which controls this contraption on demand!"

BEN was sure that this woman had been unhinged a long time ago, judging by how she waved her arms, exclaiming that this "contraption" was like TV and Netflix, much how Pixar or Sony would animate their characters when excited.

"What was your reasoning for creating...' this'?"

Lina stopped...

"...Because I was bored."

...and BEN facepalmed.

Jevil was somewhat listening at this point, still happy as ever. After BEN and Lina had a conversation about "reason and value" he then exclaimed why he was so happy.

"Greetings, new friends, friends! The name's Jevil! I can't wait, wait to be friends with you all!"

"I dunno if this is about making friends, Jevil", Botsu intervened.

Bendy didn't care. He was too busy admiring the baby features of Jevil.

"But guys, he's shorter than me!"

At this point, Bendy picked up Jevil and held him tightly.

"Isn't he so~ cute?"

Jevil despised people picking him up, even if it was a new friend.

"Imbecile, Imbecile!" he cried, "Don't ever, ever pick me up again!"

Bendy then seated him on the ground. Jevil felt at the least calmer. Botsu was still confused but felt alright with the situation at hand. BEN, however, never felt welcomed, and Bizu-

almost lost it.

You see, Botsu was there to reassure him merely before Bizu himself had the second thought of making a decent first impression.

"So, until my roommates and I find all of your realities, I'll be your main temporary parent!"

Bizu and BEN respectfully groaned while the other 3 were just confused.

"You do realize that both Bendy and I are a lot older than you, right?", Jevil piped up.

"How do you know my name, first and foremost?", Bendy questioned Jevil.

Jevil paused, then buried his gloved hands in his cape pockets. You could barely see his face, but my god his ears were heated from the blushing.

"I-I have my own little ways..." stuttered the smallest of the bunch.

Bendy then cooed on about how cute Jevil was, and each heartfelt compliment made Jevil blush stronger.

After 2 minutes of everyone else feeling awkward as hell, Lina then had the courage to signal everyone out of the extra room (which was her workspace).

Lina opens the door.


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