✧˖*°࿐ the buds.

49 6 1

"Mom, I'm heading to Best Buy to look for more computer trinkets."
"Yes I will, alright.. I love you."
"Alright, bye."
I just got out of another miserable call with a strict mother.
No going to other people's houses without someone responsible, no being in the same aisle as a stranger, and all that crap.
I'm literally 19, almost 20. She doesn't want me to move out, yet I have the money to do so?

"Hello ma'am, how are you today?"

"Doing fine, thanks." I say as I walk away in a hurry to get the last of the item I saw on the website.
It was this new headphone set, with a good mic on the side and also can have Spotify that can links to the headphones with Bluetooth.
Standard black and white, but that was okay with me. I'm not rich unlike other people.

I check my phone to see the aisle again and look away to navigate myself there again using instinct.
I smile proudly as I have found it, and there it was, right by another guy in the aisle.
Wait what? No no no, it is going to be my headset.

"Hey do you know by chance where the (insert headphone brand name) is?" a guy with a white face mask asked me.
It had poorly drawn mouth on it which was smiling. I could definitely draw better.

"Oh, that headset. I already called in and placed an order for it. It's out of stock."

"Aw that's a bummer, well thank you so much for your help! I'll look around for another set." he sweetly said while looking at me directly.

I felt horrible about lying to him about the headphones, but he must've been quite oblivious to not notice them right by him.
Oh well, sucks to suck.

I watch him go to the other aisle he mentioned in our quick conversation and can't help notice that there are only shitty headsets left.
Before grabbing the headset I needed, I walk over and ask why he needs a headset.

"Oh, just to stream. Not much."

"Well, what do you stream?"

"It's kind of embarrassing to tell others but, I have a feeling you won't judge so.." he pauses.
I'm not sure why he is so scared to tell me about a video game he plays.

"Not sure if it helps but I'll never see you again, so you can tell me if you want. I don't mind."

"True. Well, I play Minecraft for a living."

"Ah, that's incredible! I'm also trying to stream Minecraft, haha."

"Oh, what's your Twitch?"

"It's U/N, but it's no big deal."

"Could you actually type that onto my phone notes- I don't want to forget!"

"Yeah sure!" I reply, and take this opportunity to get another viewer and type whatever the hell I want onto his phone.

I start typing and think about the headset. The guilt is really coming at me.
"U/N is my twitch. Also, I found that headset you were mentioning and it seems there was an extra in the back so I slipped that into your cart while you weren't looking as a surprise :) Maybe we could play MC together? Have a good day!"

I turn off his phone and hand it back to him, and slip in the headset.

"Thanks, now I can watch you stream! That'll be cool."

"Yes, thank you so much! It was nice meeting you."

"Yeah, I agree!" he said with a hidden smile.
I slightly smile back, and walk away to find another headset for myself.
What a good day to lose the headset I wanted to a stranger with an irresistible smile.

I walk up to the checkout with my cart.. which only has my phone, bag, and the pair or trash headphones I found.
It isn't the quality of the headphones playing audio, but I'm scared they will break easily.
But if that is the price I have to pay to feel no more guilt, I'll happily do it over again.

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