✧˖*°࿐ the unique.

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It's been about a week since I saw that person with the nice smile.
Kind of miss that guy, since he is one of the most lively people I've ever met.

"Hey Y/N, get down here and come eat something."

"I'm not hungry, and I'm going to start stream."

"You haven' t been eating a lot lately, which is very unhealthy. You know I care, right?"

"Yeah mom, I know you do.  You know I do as well. I promise I'll try to eat more, but I'm going back up to stream."

"Alright, make sure to be safe.. but have fun."


I headed up to my room again, and this time went to turn on my pc.
I open up Twitch of course, and hit the "Go Live" button as soon as it loads.
A couple people are watching, so I'll start up Minecraft while talking to them.

"Hey chat! We are just going to do some more house building and interaction with you guys!"

The chat, seemingly pleased, watches me for a while as I reply to their comments about school, life, hobbies, and friends. 

"Wait I need to get some more supplies, chat we're going mining."

I look over to the camera directly.

"Guys please don't continue. That horrid song is stuck in my head now. Just don't do it."

A dono pops up for the first time, under the name of Anonymous.

Who wants their first dono to be from an anonymous viewer? What fun is in that..?

"Well thank you so much, whoever just donated. It isn't showing me your name sadly. Enjoy the stream!"  I excitedly say, as streaming has always been my passion, even though I'm not big on Twitch.

I continue on building and am very pleased with my results, and so is chat. They start asking for me to do other games, or build certain things for them. Others are asking for shout-outs. 

I decide to set up a poll myself since I never bothered to have admins, and I made the choices Hypixel Bedwars or Hypixel Skywars. Chat is on rampage with these and it's the first time I'ce ever had this much interaction from my viewers. 

Or this many viewers.

 I finally have 1k viewers. 

My face in shock, I look to the cam and say "Guys, look what we did together." in a way that so inspired to keep going in the awe I got from achieving such goals. Everyone is congratulating me for hitting 1k viewers and 1 or 2 more donos fly in. 

(y/user) I'm a big fan, ever since you started streaming with 30 viewers! I'm so happy you made it this far. -catw1f3y

"Well, thank you dearest Catwifey. Are you secretly wife to the cats or a cat that is a wife?"

As chat also picks whether Catw1f3y is a wife cat or cat wife, I check the pre-existing poll for the game. It seems like Skywars won, which is good since I'm better at that anyway. Not this many people have ever seen me play competitive, so it'll be unique.

The second donation finally rings in from earlier, and the text2speech says I should play Bedwars because they need tips and help with the game. I feel a twinge of hope for this person, because maybe they can find someone else who is good at the game.

"Sorry DSMP13, but I know a streamer named Purpled who is very good at Bedwars. You could go to his stream right now, I believe he is live around this time too. I'm not the best at it anyways." I spit out without thinking. I've always been taught to think of others before yourself, and losing a lot of viewers vs helping this one person who could've had some common sense to go search it up where you'll 100% get some form of answer from was an easy choice, but I said it anyways.

I decide not to see how many viewers have left, because ruining my morale before Skywars is not smart. I open up Hypixel server and get into a game. Let's do this.

The timer is over and I fall to the ground on my island and open the chest available. Bare necessities usually, but I see full iron armor instead of chain and a pearl. On the ground are diamond ores and emerald, so I mine those and after doing so I have obtained a Sharpness || iron sword, enchanted diamond boots, and a diamond sword and helmet. I put on the armor needed and toss the diamond sword. Now I need blocks.

I look for iron ores or another chest, in which I find another chest. 2 snowballs, 64 blocks, and some chain armor things along with a enchanted health book. I take the things I need and start somewhat speed-bridging off the island directly to mass middle, skipping the semi-middle ring.

The map is split into 3 rings. Outside ring, which is individual spawn islands.. semi-middle ring, where you get full armor usually and fight.. and mass middle, the largest and dangerous island with ender chests and big chests with enchanted diamond armor and good tools. If I go to mass middle now, I can snag everything and fight at everyone's island and knock them out one by one.

"Alright guys, let me just steal the stuff before everyone else get's it." I say as I notice someone has just fell off their island. I laugh at this because it sucks to suck I guess.

An dono popped up giving me 50 dollars? That's crazy. The text2speech states "hey, (y/user) how are ya? it's the guy from best buy. what's your discord?" and a very big smile comes across my face. Chat says I need to check who it's from, and notice the 5 iconic letter word.


The famous, and unknown faced, minecraft youtuber.

Since when did he stream though? Awkward, but cool.

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