Chapter 1

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**Ranboo's POV**

I woke up on a sheet of ice. How the hell did I get here? I try to remember where I was in my journey before ending up here. I try to get up, but I can't. I'm freezing. I look around to see nothing but white snow. I'm in the middle of a storm and I'm on a sheet of ice, slowly freezing to death.

"Hey you! What are you doing out there?" I hear a faint calling through the snow. I start to become dizzy and I lay down, now completely immobilized. "Hey buddy!" I hear again, I can feel myself being dragged before I let the cold take me into the light.

**Tubbo's POV**

After putting wood on the fire, I suddenly heard a deep crack. That's ice. What would be out on the ice in this snow storm? I grab my toque, mittens and jacket before heading outside to see a figure of something on the ice. "Hey you! What are you doing out there?" I call to it and it turns to me. That's when I realize, that's not something, that's someone.

I quickly grab my sled and a couple of blankets that were sitting beside the door and I run outside to go help the person. As I get closer, I see that they are not moving. "Shit," I say to myself as I slowly slide on to the ice. "Hey buddy," I slap him lightly a couple of times. He's out cold. I drag him to the ground before putting him on the sled and covering him with blankets.

I pull him to the house as quickly as possible, it's difficult because he's very tall and his feet drag on the ground. I manage to get him to the house and I carry him inside very awkwardly because of our drastic height difference.  Now that we're inside, I check his pulse and I check his breathing. He's alive, barely, but he is alive. I put him on the ground next to the fire place and cover him with some blankets.

I feel sad looking at his current state. I have this extreme instinct to protect him, I don't know why, but he just seems... special. Hopefully he'll wake up soon. The fire is dying down so I leave to go grab some more fire wood from out back.

**Ranboo's POV**

I wake up to a feeling of warmth and safety. Something I haven't felt in a long time. I start to sit up but realize how weak I am and quickly lie back down. All I can do is look around. I take in the small cabin, a fire pit on one side, a bookshelf on the other, a couch on the wall furthest from the door and a ladder leading to what I assume is a basement. Feels very homey.

I try to sit up one more time so that I can at least sit against the couch and I manage to pull myself up. Suddenly I hear the door crash open and I feel the rush of cold air come in with it. There's a man standing there with a bunch of firewood. I stare at him, taking in all of his features, how short he is, his small horns, his bright eyes and gleaming smile. He quickly closes the door, puts down the firewood and takes off all of his winter attire.

He turns around to face me. "Good! You're awake! I was so worried about you back there." I look at him, about to talk, but it hurts when I try to talk. He must notice this because what he says next is, "hey it's okay, just lay down. I'll make you some tea and honey." He goes down the ladder to where I assume the kitchen is.

He comes back with tea and hands it to me. It feels good going down my throat. After a few minutes I finally have the ability to talk a little without feeling immense pain, "w-what happened?" I said hoarsely. "You were out on the ice big man, passed out, it's a good thing I came when I did because it was about to break." All I do is nod. "What's your name? Mine is Tubbo," he says to me. "R-ranboo." I attempt to say. "Nice to meet you Ranboo. Now, let's get you fixed up."

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