Chapter 7

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**Tubbo's POV**

"Brother?" I hear Ranboo say behind me, but I ignore him. "Leave. Now. Before I make you." Technoblade says as he grips his sword. "I know we have our differences Technoblade, but this is a matter of life or death. We need your help. I need your help."

"Help?! Just like you needed my 'help' last time we met? If I remember correctly, last time you came to me 'peacefully' you dragged me to my own demise."

"That was years ago Technoblade, and you survived. This is important. You're the only one who can help us. Please Technoblade. I'm begging you."

"Sorry, I don't help dictators." He slams the door in my face and I feel myself start tearing up. I dragged Ranboo all the way out here and now he's going to die. We don't have time to make it back.

"I'm so sorry Ranboo... I am so sorry..."

"What did you do to him? Why didn't you tell me you were brothers?" He says while shivering. I sigh, "I used to be the president of a great nation, a nation that honestly didn't flourish under my reign. Technoblade wanted to dismantle it so he summoned monsters to destroy the nation. Luckily we built it back up again, but my advisors suggested that we take care of Technoblade just in case. We went to his house and captured him. We brought him back for a 'trial' when in actuality it was to execute him. He survived clearly and has never forgiven me. I don't blame him. Technoblade, Tommy, me and my other brother Wilbur were adopted by a wonderful man who to this day, likely still hates me. I have made a lot of mistakes, I just wish you didn't have to pay for them. I'm so sorry."

"Hey it's okay. People make mistakes. All we can do is try to learn from them."

"We might as well try to get you back in time then I suppose."

"Tubbo, we don't have enough-" we hear a loud noise of something moving in the snow. I look through the storm to see, Tommy? As happy as I am to see my best friend, what the hell is he doing here?

"I got your note, and I know how Technoblade can be, so I came to help."

"Awe Tommy, I thought you didn't like Ranboo though...."

"I don't trust him, but if you do, I believe in you."

**Third person POV**

Tommy walks up the stairs to the main door and knocks loudly.

"Tubbo I told you to get the hell- oh, hello Tommy. Why are you here?"

"What happened to you Technoblade? You used to find family to be important. Now you're shriveled away in this dump, allowing a stranger to die on your front lawn." Tommy says with malice and hurt in his voice.

"I used to care about family, before you both betrayed me. Multiple times. I could care less about what either of you want. So get the hell away from me." As Technoblade goes to close the door Tommy grabs it. "Technoblade, I'm calling in that favor. For saving you at the festival all those years ago." (not canon)

Technoblade sighs loudly and closes the door. The three boys hear a rustling inside before the basement door opens. "Well don't just stand there. Get inside before you freeze to death." Tubbo quickly starts pulling Ranboo in with Tommy's help. "What did you say to him Tommy?" Tubbo whispers. "Don't worry about it man." Tommy whispers back.

"I have steak cooking on the main floor and a bed on the top floor. Go rest. You two look exhausted." Technoblade says with a cold tone. Tommy nods and heads upstairs.

"Thank you Technoblade. This means a lot-" Technoblade cuts Tubbo off, "don't, just go." Tubbo gives Ranboo a pat on his shoulder before heading upstairs.

**Ranboo's POV**

I might actually survive, I might not die! My hope is cut off, "let's get one thing straight." Technoblade starts, "hurt my brother and I'll hurt you."

"I wouldn't.. why would I.. how could I..." I stumble over my words. How could he know? There's no way he knows.

He scoffs, "I have been learning the ways of magic my whole life, you think I don't recognize the curse of death when I see it?"

He knows...

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