Chapter 3

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**Trigger: Swearing**

**Tubbo's POV**

After breakfast in the morning, I try my best to help Ranboo stand so that we can get him to a healer, but between our height difference and his inability to stand on one of his legs, we are having a lot of trouble. "It's no use. It's okay Tubbo, thank you for trying to help, but I'll be gone by the end of today. I'm sure I'll be fine." I roll my eyes at his stupid remark. "You will not be fine, you could hurt yourself even worse than you already are. You need a doctor. Don't worry, I have someone who can help us get you to her.

I run to send a note via crow to my best friend.

**Tommy's POV**

I see a bird fly in through my window and land on my bedside table. There's a note attached, it reads,

Tommy, I ned help, cme over quikly

That's Tubbo... I get up immediately, get dressed and start making my way to Snowchester.

I get there as quickly as I can, I run inside, "Tubbo what is it what's-" what's this stranger doing in Tubbo's house? What's this stranger doing laying on TUBBO'S COUCH? WHERE'S TUBBO?!

I grab the strangers collar and pull him closer to me, "where the hell is Tubbo? Who are you and what are you doing in his house?" The tall man looks back at me with a mixture of fear and sorrow before Tubbo comes up the ladder. "Oh Tommy! Good you're here, I need...." He looks at me. "Tommy, must you threaten the guests?"

"Tubzo, thank god you're alright, what's the problem? Is everything okay?" I hug him tightly. "Yeah, sorry big man, I shouldn't have made it sound so bad. I actually need help getting Ranboo over here," he gestures to the man on the couch, "to Niki. He's in pretty bad condition and needs a healer."

I sigh before looking at Ranboo. "And how did you get to be in such bad condition? Where are you from? Why are you in Snowchester?"

"I-" Ranboo starts before Tubbo interrupts him, "Tommy, stop interrogating the guest. Jeez." Tubbo gives me a quick run down of what happened. Ugh I don't want to do this!

"Fine, fine, let's get this over with." Tubbo and I stand on both sides of Ranboo and slowly we make our way over to the dock to take him to the Dream SMP. I am carrying most of his weight because Tubbo is too short, but Tubbo is really trying. After finally getting him to the boat, I notice Tubbo smiling at him, giving him blankets and doing all he can to make him comfortable. I hope Tubbo isn't getting attached to this stranger. I don't trust Ranboo. He is a bitch and I do not like him.

**Third Person POV**

Tubbo paddles the boat over the partially frozen lake while Tommy glares at Ranboo. Ranboo attempts to grab a paddle from Tubbo so that he can help. "Don't worry boo, I got this, you're injured."

"W-what did you call me?" Ranboo says surprised. "Oh sorry, nicknames are kind of my thing. I hope you don't mind." Tubbo gives him a warm smile. "No.. no I don't mind." Ranboo says, clearly flustered.

After they get to the other side, Tubbo and Tommy pull the boat up on the shore, help Ranboo out and they make their way over to Niki's house. Niki's house is very close to the shore so it doesn't take them long to walk there.

"Hi Niki," Tubbo says while opening the door and awkwardly helping Ranboo in, "we need your help." Tommy and Tubbo set Ranboo down on the couch as Tubbo explains the situation and Tommy goes outside to wait. "Can you help us?" Tubbo asks in a pleading tone. "I have never seen this before, but I will do my best." She replies warmly.

"Thank you Niki, I owe you one. I'll be outside waiting for you Ranboo." Ranboo gives him a thankful nod.

"I haven't seen Tubbo smile like that in ages," Niki says nicely, "he must enjoy spending time with you, it makes sense that he's so worried."

"I wouldn't say he's worried, I think he just wants the strange man who can't walk to be out of his house as soon as possible." Ranboo says with a slight chuckle, hoping that Niki's statement isn't true.

"Trust me Ranboo. I think he thinks of you as a friend, not a stranger."

**Tubbo's POV**

I go outside and see Tommy leaning against Niki's house, "hey Tommy, how do you like Ranboo? He's pretty cool right? He seems nice-"

"How can you trust him?" He cuts me off, "you just met the man and he was suspiciously out on the ice in the middle of a snow storm. You know nothing about him Tubbo. NOTHING. Stop being an idiot and use your brain. I don't trust this 'Ranboo'."

I sigh loudly, "don't you think I also have questions? Of course I do! But he's very personal. He's just a man who wants to go home and fate brought us together so god damnit I am going to help him."

"Whatever man, just be careful." Tommy says while walking away. "Where are you going?" I yell after him. "I'm not going to sit back while a stranger hurts you Tubbo. I am going home. Niki will heal him, he'll be able to walk again. When you need me, you know where to find me."

I watch him walk away and I sigh before sitting against the building. I don't think Ranboo is all that bad. He's been nothing but nice, he was a little scared but still nice.

After about an hour Niki walks out of the building. "Hey Tubbo, so I have some good news and some bad news." I guess the fear is very present on my face because she hugs me before telling me the next part. "So the good news is most of his body is completely healthy which is very lucky because we don't know how long he was outside in the freezing cold."

"Most?" I say with obvious worry laced throughout my voice.

"That's the bad news, unfortunately his one leg must have been submerged in water while he was outside and his muscles and nerves are dying. He may lose his leg."

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