8. Tired

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So....today's been complicated. My anxiety was horrible, I hade a panic attack, what seemed like a minor anxiety attack, my ticing was extremly bad, and had to hide this from my parents while we went shopping. 

Then, with the help of one of my pod-mates, I started writing my letter to my teachers which I think i explained last chapter. Honestly, I don't remember, and I'm not gonna go check. 

I changed/charged my protection stuff again, honestly I'm not gonna be good with words this chapter. I managed to practice percussion for school, and I played games all day. I don't have much to say this chapter, exept that I'm tired, which you can tell by the title. 

I'm not one of those writers who will fake energy and say that their day went great no matter what, even though that's the person you'd see irl. I'll write how I actually feel, thank you very much. 

Now, it's 1:14 here. 


Raven (I'm to lazy to add the emojis, don't judge me) 

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