-chapter 26-

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*lynx's pov*

"Damn what crawled up your ass and died?" Conan says, making me laugh a bit louder than I probably should have, Billie shooting me a glare.

"Bil, how can you not know who he is?" I ask, watching as Conan waits for her too figure everything out.

Sure, Conan hasn't won any major awards and maybe isn't the most popular person on this planet but his music is way too ahead of it's time too exist.

"Ion fucking know Liliana, you tell me." Billie says, her tone coming off a lot harsher than I know she means it too.

Billie is just a softie at heart but her defences go up around strangers who she knows virtually nothing about.

"He's Conan Gray, Billie." Claudia laughs, shaking her head.

"Never heard of him."

Unexpectedly, Conan laughs, finding this whole situation hilarious. Most people might be offended or hurt that the Billie Eilish is being a bitch too them right now but thankfully, he's taking it with a light heart.

"It's fine, I'm not as famous as you anyway. I'm a singer/songwriter basically."

"That's cool and all, but what the hell are you doing in my hotel room?" Billie asks, eyebrow raised in a kind of confronting way.

"Billie quit acting like a little bitch!" I murmer, jabbing her side with my elbow. She's being way out of line here and for what?

"He's your new PR." Maggie says nervously, already anticipating her daughter's reaction.

"Nope, I'm out."

Billie quickly stands up and walks out the door, the wood slamming shut behind her.

Shooting everyone a sympathetic look, I follow after her, having too keep a light jog too catch up with her at the end of the hallway.

"Billie, please. I thought we agreed that this is what's best for you. For us." I say, trying not too set her off. Who knows what pisses her off at the moment?

Grabbing her arm, I stop her from walking away, forcing her too look at me.

"I don't want too do any of it." She says through gritted teeth, fists noticably clenched.

I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to be careful how I go about this. "Why? Tell me why you're so against it."

My girlfriend looks me in the eye, lip quivering, however not from sadness.

"I hate being bossed around! It seems like my management is trying too protect me like I'm 14 again. I know I didn't actually mean what I said about wanting too quit fame bit sometimes I wish I could. Just turn it all off. God, it just makes me so angry!"

Her tone increases on the last part, her fists going too make a move but held still by my hands.

"Woah! Billie!" I say, shocked at how suddenly she turned violent. Big mistake.

She drops too the floor, hands knotting themselves into her hair angrily as she slams her head repeatedly on the wall, yelling random nothing's.

See, what you're not supposed to do when someone is in an emotional state is too call them out about it. People hate being looked at with disappointed or anything accusing.

"Billie, hey, hey, hey." It's like muscle memory, instantly knowing how too comfort her too a state of sense. "Listen too my voice, okay? I'm right here, listen too me."

Gently, I pull her away from the wall and instead cradle her in my lap, her vanilla scent giving me intense dejá vu.

"Remember that time when you read my journal?" I ask quietly, rocking her side too side like a baby? "I was so mad at you that day and you knew it. But, I guess secretly I kinda was thankful that you found it. I was tired of having too hide my feelings from you."

Billie doesn't respond, breathing still jagged as her body shakes.

"What I learned however, was that sometimes we have too sacrifice our feelings or sanity," I let myself chuckle, remembering how cringy I was at that age. "For the people we love. And I love you more than anything Angel. I would take a bullet for you just to be able too kiss you one last time. You're my whole life."

Billie's breathing is yet too flatten out but I can tell she's just that little bit calmer, her hands more tremouring that shaking and her hand removed from her hair.

"I'm sorry." Billie murmurs, snuggling closer into her chest as hers rises up and down.

"What are you sorry for bubba?" I ask, confused.

"That I'm being so difficult right now. I didn't drag you along on this tour just to deal with me but I really appreciate that you're always here." She says, finally looking me in the eyes, resting her forehead against mine.

"And I promise I'll try this whole PR thing. If you think it's for the best, I trust you so I'll do it. For you." A weak smile spreads on her face, taking an inch away from my face just too scan it.

Despite all the years it's been, I'm still almost scared under her gaze. Not in the way in afraid she'll do anything too me but more in the way that I'm scared of how someone like her can love someone like me.

It's off-putting.

"I love you so much Billie." I whisper, not caring that we're in the middle of a public hotel corridor.

"I can't believe you're mine again."

"Always and forever Bil."


"Ew wait you're telling me I have too hold hands with HIM?!" Billie asks, her tone not unsimilar from those of a child who just got TD too tidy their room.

"Have you seen her though?" Conan mocks, being in fake disgust of my girlfriend.

It's currently the next day and after a few tantrums and a mental breakdown, I finally got Billie too a point of peace with this whole PR thing.

Shockingly enough, it really didn't take that long for Billie to wa up too Conan, the two actually quickly becoming friends.

We found out that Conan has a secret crush on this boy back home which is actually adorable and forced Billie too listen too Conan's songs which too no surprise, she loved.

"I don't want too hear it Billie." Her manager, Justin said. "You two are too go too dinner at the chosen location and act like you actually more than enjoy each other's company for an hour before you get too come home, is that really that bad?"

Justin is actually on the nicer side of Managers an artist could have. Sure, he's very stern about his decisions and will make sure you do what you're told but he always has Billie's best interests at mind and would never do anything too hurt her.

"I guess we should get this over and done with." Billie sighs, turning too face the other popstar. "I'll try not too throw up on you."

"Damn, most romantic thing anyone's ever said too me." Conan blushes, making me laugh.

I'm so glad everything's finally okay again.

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this chapter is ass sorry but please go check out my recent post on my 'conversations' tab

i love you all more than words can explain

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