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Her cousin when he threatened to kill me wasn't making an idle threat caused strong emotions. He was relaying the message sent to me from his father.

The thing is that until the inheritance hearing - it is appointed 6 months from now. Because she needs to be officially 21 to receive everything.

What a stupid rule. Eliana wanted to hate her parents for doing this to her. But she missed them terribly. Her anger was overshadowed by the feeling of loss whenever she thought about her biological father and mother.

But they were wrong. They made a wrong decision. Simply because they didn't take into account that her insane uncle will try to murder her before she reaches age 21. Just to make sure everything gets to stay in his hands.

Eliana thought about it for half the night and finally fell asleep with zero ideas on how to save herself. There was no way she could find solutions to her problems. At least that's what Eliana thought.


Casey her lovely but troublesome sister appeared at home early in the morning as if she didn't disappear for a whole night without being reachable or giving any sign if she was alive or not.

Casey Jenkins. She and Eliana weren't blood-related but they were sisters. She was someone Eliana wanted to take care of just like Casey's parents took care of her. She wanted to return the favour.

Casey's parents died tragically like Eliana's and if you think it's an insane coincidence you aren't alone. Eliana thought so too. They died three months before Eliana's 18s birthday. As soon as she turned 18 she tried to get custody of Casey. The only reason why the court granted her temporary guardianship was a strong bond between her and Casey.

The other reason might be because her sister was a little terror and she was kicked out of every temporary house she was assigned to.

The breakfast we ate in silence, neither of us really wanted to talk.

"Milk's out," Casey grunted.

"Bread's out too," Eliana replied sipping her morning black coffee as if it were a cure for all her problems.

"They kicked me out of school," Casey said, casually. Eliana choked on her coffee and went into a coughing fit.

"What? Why don't I know anything about this?" Eliana jumped right on her feet. Oh no, I can't panic she can't. She was panicking, wasn't she?

"I'm telling you right now," Casey said as if she didn't understand what her problem was. She dared to look slightly bored meanwhile Eliana was one step from pulling out all of her hair.

"The principal tried to contact you, but what was I supposed to tell her? That your crazy ass cousin came here and threw your phone against the wall when you tried to call the police on him?" Casey shrugged and popped a grape in her mouth, completely relaxed.

"At what time am I supposed to be at school?" she asked with her face in her hands.

"At 9.00"

"Jesus, I will be on my shift and I can't lose my job"

It was not a problem for Casey.

"Don't go then" she gave me shitty advice.

"I can't ignore it! Can you kindly explain to me what the hell is going on? What have you done again? "Eliana hissed, getting carried away.

"Nothing, they rail against me for no reason"


"Everyone," Casey replied, "You also need to meet that old bitch, the social worker because I'm sure she has already written somewhere in the papers that she has to start bothering us more"

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