2: a case full of dynamite

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AN: Feel like I need to warn you that this chapter is LONG. So, brace yourselves there's a lot to unpack here. Happy reading <3


la la la - austin gibbs

Carrie had been to Arizona before, but she hadn't really seen it like this. The sun was beaming down and it was ‟hot as balls" as Juliet said. The golden desert with occasional glimpses of greenery wasn't such a bad thing to look at.

"Oh, god, yes! Some proper air conditioning," Cora said as she flopped down on the twin bed when they walked into their motel room. The two of them were sharing a room, while Juliet and Nora shared another one.

"Goodness, and I thought Jacksonville was hot," Carrie told her as she threw herself on the twin sized bed and landed on her stomach. She needed one thing right now, and one thing only; sleep. She checked her phone and it was still four o'clock. She definitely needed a rest after a long drive like that. So she closed her eyes and before she knew it, she fell into a deep sleep.

After what seemed like hours, she heard loud banging on the door, followed by some female giggles. Those bastards. Her phone was still right next to the pillow, where she left it. She checked the time again and it was four fourty-five. That's all I get? Cora was still sound asleep; she was such a heavy sleeper. She heard another round of banging as she got up and walked towards the door. "I'm coming," she said, with the most irritated tone.

When she unlocked it and opened it, Juliet and Nora were standing in front of her, looking fresh and all hyper. But that's just what happened when they're together. "Carrie, you look horrible," Nora told her.

"It's called exhaustion, Nora." She rolled her eyes.

"We are going to get some food from that diner we saw down the street," Juliet said in her sing-song voice. Her white-blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun. "Want to grab a bite?"

Carrie was quickly struck with the realisation that she was starving and her stomach was rumbling. She didn't even notice it until they mentioned food. "Alright. Let me just wake up Cora, I'm pretty sure she'll slit our throats if she finds out that we went and ate without her." She told them that they'll meet them downstairs in ten minutes and went to wake up Cora. Twenty minutes later, she was finally awake and they were making their way downstairs.

The diner was called Ruby's and it looked like any other diner you'd enter. But there was still something about it that made you feel like you are at home. There were stools at the counter straight ahead of you when you walk in. The waitresses wore a white uniform with thin red stripes. It looked like it's a slow day since the only customers that were here were an elderly couple sitting in a booth and a middle-aged man reading a newspaper on one of the stools.

"Hi ladies, what can I get ya?" A blonde middle aged waitress came to their booth to collect their orders. She had gorgeous blue eyes and her name tag said Beth. Carrie ordered a burger with fries and a cherry coke.

"I am just so excited to be here you guys!" Juliet was practically squealing.

"I know, right! What do you think Tom is going to tell us at the meeting?" Carrie asked.

"He's definitely giving us some papers to sign, that's for sure," Cora said.

"C'mon girls, let us not get ahead of ourselves," Nora, the ever-so-pessimist said.

"Dammit Nora, why do you gotta bring the room down? Can't you just be excited like the rest of us?" Cora chastised her little sister.

"Hey listen, i'm not trying to be negative, i'm just trying to set low expectations so we don't get disappointed." Nora hit back. In a way, Carrie understood where she was coming from. Lord knew they had been in a lot of unsuccessful and disappointing meetings with men who wanted nothing but to make sex machines out of them. 

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