14: never fallen from quit this high

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AN: I kid you not that this was part of one big chapter that got split up into three parts lol

happy reading!!


ocean eyes - billie eyelash

  Here's the thing about being friends with Italian people.

  They owned great restaurants.

  Ricci's was once a place where BIMV would all sit and do what all high school kids did; think that they're cooler than everyone. Today though, it was closed for a private family event. Nora and Cora's parents decided to throw them a welcome home party, even though they were leaving again tomorrow after the show. It didn't matter though, because they were all just so excited to be reunited after months of being apart.

  The girls walked into the restaurant after spending a few hours freshening up at the beach house, enjoying the luxury of sleeping on a soft bed, cleansing away the performance sweats and charcoaled eyeliners from their faces. Carrie put on a blue-green sweater, denim shorts and white sneakers. The perfect attire for a Floridian autumn.

  One thing Carrie loved about this place was how it always stayed the same. The wooden flooring were the same ones she walked on the first time she came here, and if she looked close, she could still see very faint stains of cola and marinara sauce. The black and white photos hung up on the wall captured the legacy of the Ricci's family, their grandparents and great grandparents. The flanneled red and white table covers rang a sweet nostalgic memory of Carrie and the girls as their teenage selves, plotting how to take over the rock music industry with their little all-girl band. 

  However, today she saw the bright faces of her family and friends. Her eyes did a quick search among the crowds until it landed on her mother. She lunged towards her, almost falling over the wooden chairs and young babies crowding the restaurant.

  "Mom!" she yelped. She threw her arms around her, inhaling her familiar rosy scent that she grew so accustomed to.

  "Carrie, baby! How are you?" Mary asked, squeezing just as hard.

  Carrie pulled away. "I am good!

  It was then that she noticed an unfamiliar face standing next to her mother. It wasn't one of the parents, brothers, uncles or cousins. He was just standing there awkwardly smiling in his blue shirt and khaki pants.

  Carrie turned to her mother, and once Mary understood the subtle question, she said, "Oh, sweetie, this is Joseph."

  Joseph extended his hands to Carrie and she shook it. "Hi Joseph, nice to meet you."

  "It's lovely to meet you, too. Your mother has told me lots about you."

  Well she certainly didn't mention you, Joe, Carrie inwardly said.

  "Yeah, I'm sure she had lots to say," Carrie told him.

  "Always." Mary winked at her.

  "Have you met Calvin?" Carrie asked. "You should meet, Calvin."

  "I haven't spotted him, actually," Mary said, turning her head around in an attempt to look for him.

  Carrie flipped her head, urgently looking for her brother until she spotted him leaning against the bar, flirting with one of the Ricci cousins. "There he is!" she said. "Cal!" she screamed across the room, getting his attention.

  Once he locked eyes with her, she waved him over. He pursed his lips and Carrie could see his nostril slightly flaring at the interruption. He quickly masked the look and turned to the cousin to excuse himself before he made his way to where they were standing.

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