Chapter 16

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Louis Tomlinson – Age 18

Time flew by, and we only had two days to move to London and for the season to start. The Fine Line guys, Stan and I spent almost everyday together. The boys moved to a four-bed room, so whenever Harry came to my room, Niall wouldn't feel alone. We spent our time singing, acting out scenes of our favourite movies and playing footie. 

Harry and I were much more comfortable with each other, but just the band and Stan knew that we were together. We wanted to keep it quiet for a while.

I went back to Doncaster three times to visit the family, but the Skype calls reduced from every night to twice a week.

I heard the door creek open and I frowned a little at the noise.

— Rise and shine, sunflower. — He sings sweetly while poking a finger into my cheek.

— Mhm...

— Lou, my mum says I can buy any smartphone I want if I pay for it. I've been saving up for this for a long time; so I think I'll be fine. Do you want to come along?

— Sure Haz, where are we going?

— To the nearest mall, we can have breakfast there. We'll have to take the train.

— You know I can drive right? — I say getting up. My eyes meet a really excited puppy eyes Harry. How can he be so cute?

— But you don't have any car.

— True. Well yeah. I'll come with you. But let me get dressed first. — I say untangling the sheets. —You're cute when you're excited. — I say and give him a quick kiss on the cheek that makes him smile even more (didn't know it was possible) before stepping into the bathroom.

I'm calmly walking and Harry is going all around me, skipping and doing pirouettes. I remember my excitement when I first got my phone, but I guess now it's essential to have one at sixteen. I feel old.

— Give me your hand.

— I sear if you make me do pirouettes too...

— No, I just want to hold your hand.

— Aww. Okay love.

We spend some time looking and testing the smartphones. 

— I like this one. It's the prettiest.

— It's a brand new iPhone, are you sure you can afford it?

— Yeah, I have enough.

— All right then. iPhone 4 it is. You need a case though.

— How about this one? It's that shade of blue your eyes have, it'll remind me of you.

— That's really sweet. Then I guess I need a green one.

— You don't have to change it.

— Nah, I want to.

We end up buying our respective blue and green cases. Harry is so pumped he can't wait until we go back to the building to set it up; so we stop by a park and complete all the setting process. Then we exchange numbers, install the essential apps, we take some photos and put it as our background images.

When we get back, Simon is in the entrance, and he tells us to go to the "rehearsal stage". He hands us a nametag with our names (more like a piece of paper), and made all of us sit on some chairs. Harry sits in front of me and makes a gesture to put my arms around him. I gladly obey. They take some photos of us.

— Boys, girls, as you all know, the day after tomorrow is the day we have planned to go to London. But I wanted to talk to you before you all get nervous and get impossible to talk to. — I wonder how many of us rolled their eyes, because I certainly did. — Even if the X Factor is a competition, I want you to know that in case you don't win, you still have a great opportunity to become successful artists with our labels and managements. Remember, I want you to have fun, but also have in mind that all of U.K will be watching from home. You are entertainers, you have to build a character and make the audience love you. 

— What do you mean? — Zayn asks shyly.

—Well, for example; you're quiet and mysterious. You're vain, you spend the most time in front of the mirror.  — I mean he's not wrong about being in front of the mirror, but I don't think it's because he's vain, he just struggles with his image. Lately, I've been watching, and he doesn't eat sufficiently.

— Wait what? Are you going to tell us who everyone is like without even knowing us? I'm not that mysterious, I just don't like being the centre of attention. — He says loudly, and then lowering his voice, — Like I am now.

— Zayn, it's okay. I know it must be confusing at first, but you'll get it sooner than later. — What's that supposed to mean?

— Hmphf. What about me? — Taylor Swift asks.

— Taylor, you're a good girl, you just smile and wave, don't be like the Dixie Chicks. You sing songs about feelings and breakups.

— I love the Dixie Chicks!

— How did everything turn out for them huh? Louis, — Harry squeezes my hand. — You're a funny guy, you're always loud and you cheer everyone else up. — That's not a bad role, is it? —Harry, you're a likeable boy, you're a flirt and a ladies' man. So, if you and Tomlinson stop acting like a couple I'd be pleased, thank you. — Harry's hands slowly let go of mine, but mine are still on his shoulders. Salmon, you're such a homophobic and chauvinist asshole.

And he went on and on about everybody. Niall had to be happy and laughing at everything (which he does, but there's times when he's sad too), Liam had to be the leader and the clever one (What? The kid thought that Japan was close to Australia). Stan had to be that dark, emo kid, because it resembled the music he played when he is one of the most colourful and cheerful guys I've ever met.

Finally, the man ended his speech.

— I respect you as people and I respect you as artists, no matter what all right? It's going to be hard, but worth it, it's just a tricky industry. Because trust me boys, that's what will make all teenage girls fall in love with you. — "You make it tricky!!" I screamed internally.

Simon leaves and we all sit still, processing that information they just gave us. No one moves until Taylor stands and starts talking.

— Simon is really wrong about the fact that he respects us; he clearly doesn't. But guys; think about what he said earlier: "It'll be worth it in the end." Our dreams are to become stars and for the people to enjoy our music aren't they? So, why not take advantage of the opportunities we have here to get to where we want? It's only a year; then we all can be ourselves again.

— Yeah! Go Tay-Tay! — Harry says. (He seems to have become good friends with her, and everyone thinks they're dating. She's five years older than him! Bugs me a little to be honest.)

— Yeah, I think it'll be fun in the end. It's just a year; besides, we'll get to be on TV! — John says.

— Let's not take it that seriously guys. — Taylor says. — Everything will turn out okay. — Taylor is the oldest, and everybody looks up to her. She already looks like a star.

To change the subject and lighten the mood, I say cheerfully:

— Hey, Harry got his phone! Why don't you guys exchange numbers now that we're all here together? — Maybe I am a loud and funny guy after all.

— Yey! You finally got it! — Niall yells.

The afternoon goes by, and dinner is a bit quieter than usual, but Taylor and Niall play the guitar for us and for some unknown reason, we all end up singing boy band hits.

The next day is more of the same, but there is more tension in the air. We all decide who will sit next to who in the bus, and I smile as Harry begs Niall to go with Stan so he can go with me. In the end, he agrees, because we all get along quite well. Well, I'm not so sure if Liam likes me though; sometimes I feel like he's jealous of me because I get to have Harry more than them. I hope we can be good friends one day though.


It's so sad because now they're proper boyfriend and boyfriend and they're super happy together, but Simon, Management, the Label and the media will make it really hard for them :( 

I say it like it's fictional, but really, sometimes I feel like I'm narrating what actually happened :( 

I'm so sad now.

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