Chapter 3

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Harry Styles – Age 16

It was a hot afternoon in the end of June, and me my band mates just had finished rehearsing for the big day.

He's an angel! Ooh oh! Only angel, ooh oh!

I was singing in the shower, just like I always do, and I got this amazing idea for a new track. So I rolled out of the shower, soaked wet with only a towel around my waist and yelled:

— Paynoooo!!!

No answer.

— Ni??? Niall!

No answer.


No answer.

—Ugh! You said you'd wait for me! Why do you leave me alone like that!

Said that, I went and took my notebook from the nightstand and scribbled down the words. —This is good material. — I thought to myself.

Once I finished drying my whole body and stopped dripping and wetting the whole floor, I took my laptop and guitar and started writing.

Why does that happen to me! We spend like four hours trying to write something original and then, when I'm alone inspiration comes in the most inopportune of moments. But it happens to the other boys too, so I think we're good. I think there's just one song we wrote fully together, and that one was baaaad.

I started messing around with this app in my laptop called garage band and managed to recreate some sick choir voices, and then the usual instruments and my voice kicks in.

I wonder what the lads will think. I bet Niall will laugh in my face about it now, but this is a fit for the X Factor. I just know it.

I don't bother calling them because we agreed we'd meet again tomorrow to have lunch at Nando's, if it wasn't because it's Nialler's treat, then I'd just order some tacos believe me.

I spent the whole night and morning humming to the damn song. Boy, I made a catchy song for once. I feel proud!

When I arrived to the table in the terrace they were sitting at, Zayn said:

— Let me guess, you have a perfect song for the X Factor audition. Right?

— Wow, you know me too well. Yes. I have a song; it's called Only Angel.

— Let's hear it! — Liam said.

I couldn't look at their faces, I was pretty sure I was all red and smiling like an idiot. What they didn't know was, that this song was my coming out song.

When the song finished playing, I slowly turned my face towards them. Zayn was all smiley and Niall had a tear falling down on his cheek. Liam said:

— I'm proud of you Haz, we knew you were headed that direction but thanks for telling us man.

—I'm still me though. — It came out as more of a whimper than I wished.

— We know.  —Zayn said.

—Just to make sure you got it right, I'm gay. Hahahah.

— Harry, we said we know. Do you think we don't listen to you on the shower? 

— Were you listening this time?

— Yeah... We didn't want to make you sing she instead of he again.

Without saying anything, Niall jumped in my arms and hugged me tight and whispered to my ear:

— The song's really great Harold. It's definitely the song we're gonna play. Just let me add some cool guitar solo to that.

— And drums. What the hell were those electronic beats Harry?

—Of course. — I was still processing everything that had happened.


Aaaah I'm so excited! Tomorrow I'm taking the First Certificate Exam and then I'll be free and have plenty of time to update! I'm also going on a rock school summer camp, I'm so happy :)))

How do you think Harry writes his songs? Do you think he says he first and then changes it, or he writes them with she from the start? Tell me what you think!

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